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I suppose because of the three witnesses in heaven and in earth; as John writes in his epistle - 1Jn.5.7,8

"For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. And there are three that bear witness in earth, the Spirit, and the

.water, and the blood: and these three agree in one."

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Q: What is the importance of the number 3 in the BIBLE?
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How many times is the number three used in the Bible?

The number 3 is mentioned 523 times in the Bible.

Are there any references to the number 333 in the bible?

No, but the number 3 is very common in the Bible such as Peter denying Jesus 3 times, Jesus rose from the dead 3 days later, etc.

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In the Bible, the number 3 denotes emphasis and it also indicates intensity. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13; 16:13, 19)

What does the number 3 represent in the bible?

The numerical signature of God.

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For Jews, the next in importance is the Talmud.

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How many times is the number 3 mentioned in the Bible?

The number 3 is mentioned 287 times in the bible -- answer -- In the King James version the word - three - appears 485 times the word - threefold - appears once the word - threescore - appears 93 times

What does 3 and 7 mean in the Bible when used together?

3 is the father the son and the holy spirit, the 7 is the perfect number 3 is the father the son and the holy spirit, the 7 is the perfect number

What is the significance of 512 in the Bible?

I study numerology of the Bible and have worked out the number 1-8 and their meanings. And all the numbers in the Bible derive from these numbers and can be divided by these, therefore understood by decoding the essences of the root numbers. In regard to the number 512 it is a multiple of 8 to the 3rd power. The number 3 means an alignment, or a coming together of something. The number 8 means completeness, or to be completed. So this number 512 is the absolute fullest number that represents a completeness.AnswerThe Bible does indeed make use of numerology, but I believe that the number 512 is not to be found in the Bible.