This is a truly excellent question. I consider myself quite smart, but I must say your question is superb. What I can tell you is this. I think that there must be one God that has more love than any other life-form or spirit. Actually, God must be that of Perfect and endless Love. Otherwise, He would be something less, which is imperfect. God must be perfect, so there must be only one. If there were 10 Gods that are like this, it would simply be redundant.
It teaches us that there is only one God and He alone should we worship. He is a jealouse God and does not take lightly to having men replace Him with other false God's.
The five paradigms of Islam is that having faith on One God alone, Angels and revelations, Prophets and life of Hereafter.
Martin Luther.
Apollo is the God of Moon and sun He was born one.
In Christianity, to worship means to be in God's presence and acknowledge His sovereignty. Whether Christians are gathered together or alone, they believe worshipping God is of utmost importance. Scriptures are texts contained in the Bible that speak of God's truths. When gathered together or alone, Christians use these scriptures when speaking, teaching or singing, to reaffirm and encourage one another in God's ways.
A hermit?
its the trinity. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Three in one.
Believing in one God.
AnswerHaving one god is called monotheism.
The word for a belief or religion having one god is "monotheism".
No one,no one is the son of God,God is alone he has no partner,He is alone,and we believe that Muhammad (S) is Gods last messenger and some believe that Isa(A) is His son(Na Auzubillah) which is false Isa(A) too is God (Allah`s) messenger.
None at all. God is only one and there is no one else out there who is worthy of worship but Him. God has asked us to worship Him and Him alone.