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Q: What is the homeland of taoism?
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Related questions

What does the deity of taoism do?

Taoism has numerous deities.

Where is Taoism's in the world?

Taoism is practiced in China.

Which civilization founded Taoism?

The religion of Taoism derives from the philosophy of Taoism which was founded by Lao-tzu. The practice of Taoism began during the Shang dynasty in China.

When did taoism develop?

taoism first developed after christions

What is taoism view of man?

taoism view of man

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Is Taoism like the Holocost?

It sounds as if you are confusing Taoism with Maoism ...

Was Taoism a teacher?

Taoism is a philosophy- written by Lao-Tzu.

Is taoism autonomous?

Yes, taoism is a non-hierarchrical religion.

What was China's reaction to Taoism?

the china reactin to taoism is blaah.blaah.blaah :)

Where is Taoism?

Taoism is locate in butt ching chang chawng

What religion started in China?

Confucianism and Taoism