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Technically, Christianity doesn't teach the existence of any holy buildings. The only holy buildings that existed in Judaism were the Temple, in its three incarnations, and the Tabernacle that preceded it. They were not holy in and of themselves, though, but because God dwelt there. The indwelling of God in a believer in Christianity replaces the need for a temple, and therefore the concept of any building being holy.

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The synagogue; it is a place of prayer and meeting for Jewish people.

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The Jewish house of worship is called a synagogue in English and a Beit K'nesset in Hebrew.

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Its a place of worship.

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The Christian holy building is a church

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A parish or a church.

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Q: What is the holy building for Jews?
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What is the Jews holy building?

The holy Temple in Jerusalem, It was known as the Beis HaMikdash.

The name of Jews holy building?

We don't necessarily have a "holy building" we have a Synagogue which is a house of prayer and study etc. The ruined Temple in Jerusalem is the only building particularly sacred to Jews. That's what the Western Wall or Wailing Wall is, the last visible remains of the Temple.

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Sikhs and Jews do not share any of the same holy books.

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Jerusalem is considered holy by Muslims, Jews, and Christians.

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The sabbath!

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No the Jews do not believe in the holy spirit, as Jesus said I will send my comforter inmy place to guide you. And as the Jews did believe in Jesus the holy spirit means nothing to them.

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It is holy to them because that is their home country

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The Holy building for Buddhists is called a Temple.

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Holy Ghost Building was created in 2008.

Why is the holy land the Jews?

Israel is the Jewish homeland. It is where the Jews originated from.

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