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Brief Answer:

In brief, in Islam there is the following classification of religious books:

  1. God holy book Qur'an that Muslims believe in and follow its teachings and commands. Refer to question on why Qur'an was revealed.
  2. Other God holy books that Muslims believe in their divinity but not required from Muslims to follow those books commands if contradict with Qur'an. These holy books are mainly Torah, Psalms, and the Bible.
  3. Other famous religious books (but not called holy books so far not revealed by God) that Muslims refer to them especially the books of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) sayings and practices (Hadith) that Muslims are required to the included teachings.

Longer and More Detailed Answer:

There are a number of holy and important religious books in Islam. This answer will seek to discuss all of the relevant answers.


The Holy Book of Islam is Al-Qur'an which contains the undisputed Words of Allah SWT, the Creator of the Heavens and Earth. The Qur'an was sent in stages to His last Prophet Muhammad SAW through His Arch Angel, Jibril as over a period of 23 years. And this Holy Book is the basis of the teachings of Islam, further complemented by the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad through his sayings and traditions which form the collection of Hadiths.

Muslims are also taught to believe and have faith in three other great books sent by Allah SWT to His Prophets Musapbuh (Moses - the Torah or Old Testament), Daud pbuh (David - the Zaboor or the Books of Psalms), and Isa pbuh (Jesus - The Injeel or The New Testament) before the coming of Muhammad SAW as His last prophet.

Qur'an (القرأن)

The sacred text (Holy book) of Islam is Qur'an that reflects real words of Allah (God in English); without single letter change or falsification; that were revealed by God to prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through the angel Gabriel (Jibril) in its original language (Arabic).

Beliefs about the Qur'an and its history

1) Revelation of Qur'an by God to Prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) was through the Angel Gabriel (Jibril) and started in year 610 AD and continued until prophet death in year 632. This long period of Qur'an revelation allowed Muslims to keep and memorize the chapters and verses to letter by heart (besides its independent writing). Prophet Mohamed was revising the Qur'an texts with the angel Gabriel once a year and in last year it was revised twice. That is why Qur'an is authentic as a holy book. Qur'an till now is the only one text with no single word difference and is the only holy book that readable in its original God revelation language. It is the real and true words of God.

2) The Holy Book of Allah, the Qur'an, is not the work of a man, nor is it the collected thoughts or opinions of wise men through the ages. It is the "Word of the Almighty God (ALLAH)", the Creator, The Lord of the universe. It is the perfect revelation to mankind. Though called and treated as a book, the Qur'an is not a book in the ordinary sense of the word. It is neither a treatise nor a dissertation on a particular theme; nor it is a book on religion

Purpose of the Revelation

It is in the Arabic language as the Arabs were very fond of language and poetry. Allah "God" the almighty used to provide his messengers, peace be upon them, with the miracles that suit their period and environment.

Moses people were fond of magic, so Allah gave Moses the stick which can convert into a snake and his hand which turns white. Jesus was given the ability to raise the death, to manufacture birds from clay and blew in them to fly and become a life. Prophet Mohammed was given the holy Qur'an in the Arabic language to challenge his people with it and so on.

Treatment and Importance

Muslim beliefs and practices are rooted in the Qur'an. Muslims treat the Qur'an with great respect because they believe that the Qur'an is from Allah, and every word and every letter is sacred. It is usually placed on a special wooden stand to be read.


The Qur'an usually comes either in Arabic only for Arabs or in Arabic and another languages "translation of its meanings" to people to understand the meaning of the verses only. No language other than the Arabic language can really convey the correct meaning with the same strength and richness as the Arabic.


Qur'an is the holy book for Muslims. It may be spelled as Qura'n, Quraan, Kuran, Kura'n, Kuraan, Koran, Kora'n, or Koraan.

Other Divine Sources:

Taurat (توراة) - Torah, Zabur (زبور) - Psalms, Injil (إنجيل) - Gospels

The main holy book of Islam is the Quran (Koran); they also believe in the Taurat (Jewish Torah); Zabur (Psalms); and Injil (Christian Gospels) though to many Islamic scholars only the Qur'an is considered to be flawlessly accurate.

The Taurat was sent to Moses (pbuh) to teach Jewish people about Islam. The Zabur was sent to Dawud (pbuh) the King of the Israelites. The Injil was sent to Isa or known as Jesus (pbuh) in Christianity to teach the Christians about Islam. This made it so that when the Qur'an was revealed to the prophet Muhammed (pbuh), he could teach the whole of humanity about Islam.

Muslims believe that each of these three sources has been altered by Jews and Christians who wished to alter the text for advantage in this life. The Qur'an was an attempt to correct these errors and has primacy. However, if the Qur'an does not speak to or against an event in the Taurat, Zabur, or Injil, it is considered "unaltered".

Other Islamic Sources or Sunna: Not Holy Per Se, But Important Literature

Hadiths (حديث) and Sirat An-Nabi (سيرة النبي) - Biography of the Prophet [Muhammad]

It is important to note that these additional Islamic sources are not considered to be Divine Revelations of any kind. The speeches of the Messenger and the stories about him are not considered holy. Their importance stems from the example that Muhammad set in his capacity of the final Prophet of God. They were not protected or preserved by God from manipulation or change.

Hadiths (حديث)-- Occurrences

Hadiths are teachings and sayings of the Prophet Muhammad which are considered to have very strong weight in confirming the traditions and proper behavior of Muslims. However, there was about 100 years between the Prophet's death and the aggregation of these sayings. Therefore, leading Islamic scholars of the day had to sort through the Hadiths to figure out which were legitimate and which were not. Nearly every scholar ruled that the overwhelming majority of supposed Hadiths were actually forgeries and agreed generally on which Hadiths were legitimate. It is important to note that the different schools in Islam (Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, and Shafi'i are distinguished primarily by which Hadiths they see as legitimate and which they do not.)

The two most authoritative Hadith collections are Sahih Al-Bukhari and Sahih Al-Muslim, but there are less famous ones like Sunnan Abu Dawud.

Sirat An-Nabi (سيرة النبي) -- Biography of the Prophet

Prophet Muhammad is seen as an exemplar for all Muslims. Therefore, his biography, as written by Ibn Ishaq, is often used as another basis of Islamic Law.

Suhuf-e-Ibrahim (صحف إبراهيم) -- Scrolls of Abraham

The Scrolls of Abraham are a piece of writing attributed to Abraham that the Qur'an makes reference to. However, there are no known extant copies of the exact text.

Nahj Al-Balagha (نهج البلاغة‎‎) -- The Peak of Eloquence

This is a book that is used exclusively in Shiite Islam and is claimed to have put together by Sharif Razi (a Shiite Scholar). The name means the "Peak of Eloquence" and is a collection of sermons, letters, tafsirs (Qur'anic interpretations) and narrations attributed to Caliph 'Ali.

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The holy book is called the Quran or Koran. It is the message from God as given to Mohammad during the years 609 CE - 632 CE. Some events are mirrored in The Bible, with an alternative account.

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Quran (God holy book) and Sunnah (prophet sayings and practices)

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The holy Qur'an

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