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It's the Pope.

Roman Catholic AnswerThe highest authority in the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ. His Will is known through the twin authorities of Tradition and Scripture. These are interpreted for us by Ecumenical councils (councils of all the bishops ratified by the Holy Father) and by the Pope.
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13y ago

The pope is the highest ranking member of the Roman Catholic church, followed by cardinals residing over a large area, the bishops residing over a group of parishes and finally the priests who reside over a single parish

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The Bishop of Rome, also known as the pope, is the highest 'official' in the Catholic Church. Today that would be Pope Benedict XVI.

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Q: What is the highest authority in the Catholic Church?
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Who held the highest authority in the Catholic Church?

In the Catholic Church the highest authority is God, specifically Jesus Christ, on earth His Vicar (representative) is the Holy Father, currently Pope Benedict XVI.

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Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Church.

What is the highest teaching authority in the Church?

Roman Catholic AnswerThe highest teaching authority in the Catholic Church is Jesus Christ. His Will is known through the twin authorities of Tradition and Scripture. These are interpreted for us by Ecumenical councils (councils of all the bishops ratified by the Holy Father) and by the Pope.

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The catholic church.

What is the Magesterium?

It is the teaching authority of the Catholic Church.

What is the difference of the Anglican church hierarchy and the roman catholic hierarchy?

The Anglican Church refers to the Church of England and others direclty associated with it.The Episcopal Church broke with the Church of England after the American Revolution but has reconciled. It describes itself as "Protestant but Catholic"The Anglican Communion is a loose confederation of churches including some Luthern and Methodist churches.There is no international organization or authority over Anglican CommunionChurches.The highest authority in the Church of England is the Archbishop of Canterbury.The other churches have the local bishop as the highest authority. S/he can be removed by the members of the church.Episcopal Churches have ordained women and gays as priests.The Roman Catholic Church has the Pope at the Vatican as the Supreme Authority of EVERY Roman Catholic Church. Local members have no authority over their priests.

Who is the highest official of the catholic church today?

Pope Francis is the supreme leader of the Catholic Church.

How did reformation affect the authority of the catholic church and of monarchs?

The protestant revolt did not affect the authority of the Catholic Church. It has the same authority that it has always had since it was founded by Jesus Christ in 33 AD. The Catholic Church's authority is from God alone so the actions of individual heretics cannot affect it except in a superficial manner.

Who is the Visible head of the church?

The visible head of the Catholic Church is the Pope, who is considered the successor of Saint Peter and holds the highest authority in matters of faith and morals for Catholics around the world.

During the middle ages was the Catholic church democratic or authoritarian?

they controlled people,they were the highest authority that make law, It was the government and it told Kings what they could or couldn't do.