Perhaps the greatest virtue is tolerance. With tolerance, it is hard to hate. With genuine tolerance, people would no longer fight and kill for their religious convictions. With tolerance, people of different backgrounds would allow love to flourish. Whether or not tolerance is the greatest virtue, it is certainly the hardest to attain. For example, it means giving up the certainty that one's religion is the only religion to be respected, or that one's ethnic group is in some way better than another. It means some must accept the right of others to support abortion, while others must accept the right of some to peacefully oppose abortion. It does not mean allowing others to commit crimes that are and should be condemned and outlawed by society generally.
To build up 'Character'.
Thought creates action,
action creates habits,
habit creates character.
Reverence in Faith (Sraddha)/Divinity
creates the mental attitude that creates the quanta of
thought , that eventually creates Character.
Love, Kalhan, 23rd April, 2010
St. Paul tells us that the greatest of the three theological virtues is charity (1 Cor 13:13). The other virtues serve the theological virtues since the theological virtues are supernaturally implanted in us by God to assist us in collaborating in our salvation. The highest natural virtue is prudence (by which we know the best way to attain the best thing), because it guides all the other virtues. The foundation of every virtue is fortitude (perseverance) because virtues are only virtues when we persist in exercising them even in spite of hardship.
Nick Carraway considered his greatest virtue to be his honesty. He prided himself on being a reliable and trustworthy narrator who always strived to tell the truth, even when it was uncomfortable or difficult.
In my opinion to the question on the virtue on believing, I would say that the virtue is faith. Faith is the substance of what we do NOT see, therefore, we believe only because of our faith. Bible is a great place to begin a search. I do believe that this is the greatest books EVER written.
Kindness is a virtue.By virtue of his accomplishments, he was appointed the new council leader.Virtue does not come from wealth, but wealth and every other good thing comes from virtue.(paraphrasing Socrates)
You can say something like " virtue of the fact that.." For example: "I know the mechanics of a sentence by virtue of the fact that I am an English teacher." By adding the letter "s" you are defining virtues as "the good thing about," so you can discuss the virtues of skim milk, inter alia.
"That Action is best which procures the greatest happiness for the greatest numbers"-Francis hutcheson,Source- Inquiry into origins of our Ideas of beauty and virtue Two Treatises,1725.
Scrooge's greatest virtue at the end of "A Christmas Carol" is his newfound generosity and compassion towards others. He learns to prioritize love and kindness over material wealth and becomes dedicated to helping those in need.
Virtue - Virtue album - was created on 1997-04-29.
As Saint Paul tells us in his letter to the Corinthians, "Faith, hope and charity, these three remain, but the greatest of these is charity."
Virtues is a noun.
Socrates identified ignorance as the greatest evil because he believed that people do wrong only out of ignorance. He thought that true knowledge leads to virtue and that the pursuit of knowledge is the path to moral goodness.
Utilitarianism: morality is the result of an act. Focus on the consequences. A moral act is what will bring the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people. Virtue Ethics: Morality stems from the identity or character of the person, rather than being a reflection of the actions. THere are certain characteristics which are virtues. People possessing these virtues is what makes one moral, one's actions are a reflection of their inner morality.
After Virtue was created in 1981.