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bowing and touching the forehead with the right hand gently.They greet by saying


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Q: What is the gesture of greeting amongst Muslims?
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What is mean by greeting?

A gesture or word of welcome or salutation.

How do you spell the word that Muslims use when greeting?

The word that Muslims use when greeting each other is "As-salamu alaykum." It translates to "peace be upon you" in English.

What is salam alikom?

It is a greeting which Muslims say to one another : )

What does salute mean?

It is a gesture made as a greeting, spoken or otherwise, or an acknowledgement of a departure

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It is a greeting amongst friends and families in the South East of England

What is the gesture of greeting among Hindus or people in India?

placing one palm over the other in front gently and the elbows extended with a slight bow.This type of salutation/greeting is called 'namaste'

What does salamu alaikum mean?

"Salamu alaikum" is an Arabic greeting meaning "peace be upon you." It is commonly used as a greeting among Muslims worldwide.

How do Muslims say hello?

(Muslims are members of Islam, which is a religion, not a separate language.) Asalamu Aleikum is the Muslim greeting, which is similar in Arabic and Pashto.

Why do Muslims give eid cards to each other?

Muslims give out Eid cards for greeting their friends and family for this happy occasion which is the same as people giving out birthday cards or Christmas cards or Hanukkah cards or Kwanzaa cards or get well cards. The reason is that it's a nice gesture and the cards show that people are remembered.

Is the word ''greeting'' a verb or noun?

The word 'greeting' is the present participle, present tense of the verb 'to greet'. The present participle of the verb is also an adjective and a gerund, a verbal noun. Examples:verb: The hostess was greeting guests while the host was pouring drinks.adjective: The greeting committee must be ready at nine sharp.noun: Their greeting was warm and welcoming.

How do you greet someone in Thai?

สวัสดี (sà-wàt-dee) is the most common greeting. It's used when greeting in Thailand, followed on putting his/her palms together in a prayer like gesture and bowing. This gesture is called a Wai, and it is traditional for younger or people of lower class to initiate a Wai.

What is the meaning of shaking hands?

Shaking hands is a common gesture of greeting and agreement in many cultures. It symbolizes trust, respect, and goodwill between individuals.