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The Genre is Non-Fiction, because it is a Op-Ed Article.

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Q: What is the genre of the story if decency doesn't law should make us samaritans?
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this doesnt even make sense.

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You should write the genre that you most like to read!

What characteristics are required to become a singer?

Confidence is one of the important keys but doesnt complete everything. You have to chose a genre that you think suits you, you have to come up with lyrics suitable for your genre and you have to believe that you can perform in a proper manor. Believe in yourself and you can do it!!

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It depends on what Genre you like but I think, The offspring, green day, Blink 182, and Wolf Alice, like that genre.

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It should be children's literature

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I think it should be a genre. Here is the definition from Wikipedia: Magic realism, or magical realism, is an artistic genre in which magical elements or illogical scenarios appear in an otherwise realistic or even "normal" settings.

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You should capitalize "Musical Theatre" when referencing the specific genre or art form.

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a sub category of a specific genre. Example Mystery is a genre and detective is a meta genre of the mystery genre.

What category is Avenged Sevenfold in?

Rock/Alternative. If you transfer their songs onto itunes, it should have their "Genre".

The label detective novel is an example of what?

Genre. The phrase "detective novel" should have quotes around it.