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(John 2:1-11) 2 Now on the third day a marriage feast took place in Ca′na of Gal′i·lee, and the mother of Jesus was there. 2 Jesus and his disciples were also invited to the marriage feast. 3 When the wine ran short the mother of Jesus said to him: "They have no wine." 4 But Jesus said to her: "What have I to do with you, woman? My hour has not yet come." 5 His mother said to those ministering: "Whatever he tells YOU, do." 6 As it was, there were six stone water jars sitting there as required by the purification rules of the Jews, each able to hold two or three liquid measures. 7 Jesus said to them: "Fill the water jars with water." And they filled them to the brim. 8 And he said to them: "Draw some out now and take it to the director of the feast." So they took it. 9 When, now, the director of the feast tasted the water that had been turned into wine but did not know what its source was, although those ministering who had drawn out the water knew, the director of the feast called the bridegroom 10 and said to him: "Every other man puts out the fine wine first, and when people are intoxicated, the inferior. You have reserved the fine wine until now." 11 Jesus performed this in Ca′na of Gal′i·lee as [the] beginning of his signs, and he made his glory manifest; and his disciples put their faith in him.

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The first recorded miracle in the New Testament is in Matthew 8; Jesus heals a leprous man.

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