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For the misfortune of not obeying God's instructions, Adam and Eve were banned from the Garden, must toil in their lives, continue the human race and die. After Lucifer fell and lost the right to rule on the 'Throne of the Earth,' God created physical Adam to attain that position. All he had to do was chose from the 'tree of life' and not sin along with his deceived wife Eve. We know the rest...but this was the beginning of God's Plan of Salvation passing on to Abel who was also cut short but the line continued via Seth to Noah to Shem to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob (Israel), Joseph.


"Judgment Day" is revealed in The Bible to be the "Last Great Day" of God's plan of Salvation for man; with the LAST JUDGMENT taking place at the end of Christ's thousand year rule [see Rev.20:11-15].

But, surprisingly, to many, it also reveals "TWO" phases to the Judgment. The FIRST phase of Judgment Day is actually GOING ON RIGHT NOW... and has been for the past two thousand or so years... among God's church!

"Because the time has come for JUDGMENT TO BEGIN AT THE HOUSEHOLD OF GOD, and if it BEGINS WITH US, what will the end be of those who are rejecting God's Good News [gospel]?" (I Peter 4:17 WNT William's New Testament)

A number of Jesus' parables speak of this "ongoing Judgment" of His church, in the parables of the "talents" and "pounds"... in which the "Nobleman" [Jesus] goes to a "far country" [heaven] and returns to "assess the work of those He left in charge of His possessions while He was away."

"After a LONG TIME their Master RETURNED FROM HIS TRIP and called them to GIVE AN ACCOUNT of how they had used His money." (Matt.25:17 NLT New Living Translation)

God is presently training, through the instruction of His Word, the Bible, and the Holy Spirit, His servants; to Know, Understand, and Obey His Laws... so that when Christ returns, He will assign each "Faithful, Obedient Servant" the office, position and job within His Kingdom that they qualify for [depending upon how they are JUDGED by Christ] when He returns, to RULE, lead, teach and minister to the nations of the earth in God's ways throughout the millennial rule of the Kingdom on earth:

" ...They came to life again [at Christ's return], and they reigned WITH CHRIST for a thousand years. THIS IS THE FIRST RESURRECTION [and the time of the First Judgment; when Christ will reward each of His saints with the office they've earned through their Faith and Works]. (The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years had ended. [the time of the Second Judgment]) Blessed and Holy are those who share in the First Resurrection. For them the Second Death holds no power, but they will be Priests of God [the Father] and of Christ and will reign with Him a thousand years." (Rev.20:4-6 NLT)

The First Judgment has been going on since God first began to "call" His servants out of the world to train for their positions in His coming Government on earth [beginning with "Faithful Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc."]. Christ has been training, correcting and disciplining them... grooming them... for the offices His Father has "predestined" for them to do when He returns to establish God's Kingdom on earth.

It's a little-known and understood Truth in the Bible... but it's written there for those with the eyes to see it.

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