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I'm not Jewish but I'm pretty sure it's Purim. For more information go to the related link.

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Q: What is the festival called when Jews remember Esthers?
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Who destroyed the Jews during esthers time?

Nobody. Haman tried, but his sinister plot was foiled, which is the main reason why the whole incident is celebrated with a joyous holiday.

What Jewish holiday celebrates the salvation of the Jews in Persia by Queen Esther?

The festival is called Purim

This month jews celebrate chanukah also known as the festival of what?

lights (because candles are lit to remember the miracle of the oil in the holy Temple).

When Judas Maccabee or Maccabeus rededicated the Temple he asked the people to remember the event with the feast that Jews celebrate today as the festival of Hanukkah?

The answer is yes.

What was queen esther's main accomplishment?

Queen Esthers main achivement was to have courage and go before the King , even at the cost of her life to save the the Jews , as she was a Jew by birth.

What are the 3 important Jewish holy days?

There is 1 called Shavuot, which is about remembering god giving moses the 10 comanmments. They celebrate this festival by staying up all night. The second one is called Sukkot, in which the Jews remember when they were in the desert thousands of years ago. Some had tents, but most of the Jews had to built themselves a shelter. So now days, they built themselves a sukkah (the word for one of these, Sukkot is the word for ore than one) which is just like a hut. They often hang fruits from the roof. The Jews sleep in this Sukkah during the week of the festival. I'm not so sure about the third festival, but maybe someone can improve my answer and tell you about the third festival.

Which event do Jews remember when celebrating passover?

During the passover festival, the Jews remember their exodus from Egypt.

What are some names for Hanukkah?

Hanukkah is the only name for Hanukkah, but it is sometimes called the Festival of Lights by non-Jews.

What do Jews do in a festival?

It depends on the holiday.

What does jews drink for festival?

On festivals such as Passover, wine is had.

What in the meaning of pentecost?

A solemn festival of the Jews; -- so called because celebrated on the fiftieth day (seven weeks) after the second day of the Passover (which fell on the sixteenth of the Jewish month Nisan); -- hence called, also, the Feast of Weeks. At this festival an offering of the first fruits of the harvest was made. By the Jews it was generally regarded as commemorative of the gift of the law on the fiftieth day after the departure from Egypt., A festival of the Roman Catholic and other churches in commemoration of the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles; which occurred on the day of Pentecost; -- called also Whitsunday.

What are follwers of judaism called?

People who practice Judaism are called Jews.