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Ten of the 12 tribes set up their own nation in the north. It was called the kingdom of Israel and it's capital was Samaria. In the south, the other two tribes founded the smaller kingdom of Judah.

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What faith?

Their faith was the religion of Judaism.

See also:

What is Judaism?

Has Judaism changed?

Were they monotheistic?

Which Tribes?

The Kingdom of Judah included the Tribes of Judah and Benjamin (plus some of the Levites [from the tribe of Levi] and Cohanim [also a part of the Levites], and a small percentage from every one of the remaining tribes [since some had mixed into the tribe of Judah, through marriage and through large-scale migration; e.g. 2 Chronicles 15:9]). See also:

Why did the kingdoms split?

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Q: What is the faith of the two tribes that founded the kingdom of Judah called?
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Who was the two tribes that remained in the southern kingdom?

The two tribes that remained in the southern kingdom of Judah were Judah and Benjamin.

Was Benjamin one of the two tribes of the southern kingdom?

Yes, the two tribes of the southern Kingdom (also known as the Kingdom of Judah) were Judah and Benjamin.

What tribes the the Hebrews divide in after the death of Solomon?

the kingdom of israel and southern kingdom of judah

What tribe in the bible was a part of the southern kingdom?

The two tribes that made up the southern kingdom were Judah and Benjamin

What two federations were formed from the 12 Hebrew tribes?

The Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of Judah.

What is a smaller southern kingdom founded by 2 of the 12 tribes of Israel?

Rehav'am (Rehoboam), the son of King Solomon, became king over the southern kingdom, after the ten northern tribes broke away under Yerav'am (Jeroboam). The southern kingdom, known as Judah, consisted of Judah and Benjamin, two tribes, and continued until the First Destruction a few centuries later. Whereas the ten northern tribes were collectively called Israel, and went lost after their exile, which occurred about 275 years after the split (133 years before the First Destruction).

What is northern kingdom of the israelities?

That would be the kingdom of Israel. The Southern Kingdom was called Judah.

What is The Hebrew kingdom of southern Canaan?

That was the kingdom of Yehudah, consisting of the two tribes, Yehudah and Binyamin.

Who of the twelve tribes of Israel was largest?

The tribe of Judah was the largest of the twelve tribes of Israel. This tribe was known for its leadership and prominence in the kingdom of Israel.

In the Bible what tribe was a part of the Southern Kingdom?

The southern two-tribe kingdom was called Judah and it consisted of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Additional Comments: Though directly after the split in Israel with Judah and Benjamin remaining in what would be called the Southern Kingdom, the Levites (priests) were soon banned from the Northern Kingdom and went to the southern parts. As with any country of mixed peoples/tribes, there will always be some of every tribe remaining in the South due to marriage, business or just their living place.

How many tribes did Jeroboam have?

Jeroboam was the first king of the rebellious northern tribes, not the kingdom. Israel, as opposed to Judah, was the kingdom, and there were nine tribes that comprised the Kingdom of Israel. (Zebulun, Issachar, Asher, Naphtali, Dan, Manasseh, Ephraim, Reuben and Gad.)

What were the two southern tribes called after they split in Israel?

The two tribes, Judah and Benjamin, were collectively called Judah or Judea. See also:More about the split