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Life your life positively and dont think about rebirth, is the only way to pop out of the cycle of rebirth.


Eternallyephemeral: I don't think the above answer is answering the question, which is vague itself. If you're talking about the cycle of rebirth in Hinduism (and Buddhism), the escape is called samsara, and escaping the cycle, the body is shed by the soul for a final time.

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Q: What is the escape from the cycle of rebirth?
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The cycle of rebirth is referred to as samsara like the constant ebb and flow of the oceanic tide. ^ the answer above is too vague. Samsara is the cycle of life, death, and rebirth/reincarnation, and it is a Hindu concept as well as a Buddhist concept. Hindus and Buddhists believe that the soul wears the physical body like an article of clothing, and that there is no such thing as death. When the physical body "dies," the spirit leaves and moves onto the next physical body, reborn, dies, is reborn, and so on. It is an endless cycle, and the only way to escape the cycle (mokhsha) is to achieve nirvana (according to Buddhist philosophy), which is the absence of suffering. To do so, one must purge oneself of desires, for desires are what spawn suffering, and when one achieves this, the cycle is broken.

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In Hinduism escape from the cycle of rebirth is called?

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