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Idolatry conceals and obfuscates the identity of the Creator. In addition, it tended to go hand in hand with cruel, licentious and excessive behavior, since the caprices which were narrated concerning the idols were adopted as an excuse to imitate those types of behavior).

See: Cruelties of the polytheists and

How did polytheism start?

In early Jewish (Israelite) history, those Jews who succumbed to the lure of idol-worship found themselves on a slippery slope whose end result was the abandonment of the entire Torah. Such Jews either repented (Judges 2:1-4, 3:9, 3:15, 6:6, 10:10) or went lost to history (2 Kings 17:1-23).

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'Idolatry' is a pejorative term used to belittle or ridicule the beliefs of other religions. Judaism became aniconic around the seventh century BCE and, along with Christianity and Islam, has since claimed superiority over other religions because it no longer allows divine images in worship.

The word 'idolatry' can be redefined to suit the user, just as 'monotheism' has been redefined by some. For example, Catholics venerate images of saints and even of Jesus, as well as supposed relics of the saints. Hindus will be accused of idolatry when seen praying in front of a statue, knowing it not to be the real god it represents, yet Catholics pray in front of a crucifix or statue knowing it to be only a representation.

The effect of idolatry is arguably on the accuser, by creating a smug sense of hypocrisy.

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What is a sentence with idolatry?

AnswerThe present religious practices of worshiping statues as gods is an idolatry"Idolatry" is a noun defined as the worship of idols. An example of the word "idolatry" in a sentence is "The Druids were condemned for their idolatry."

What does idolatry mean?

Idolatry is the worship of 'idols' or false gods.

How do you use the word idolatry in a sentence?

Idolatry was outlawed by the church.

Are Catholics committing idolatry?

No, Catholics do not commit idolatry. Catholics worship only God.

Is studying for exams a form of idolatry?

Of course not. Jesus went to the Temple and as a young Jewish boy He would have been taught there by the Rabbis. Do you not think He studied? Idolatry is making something more important than God, or putting it in the place of God. If you are doing that, then it is idolatry. But simply studying is not idolatry.

What can be a sentence with idolatry?

One sentence would be: "Many cultures throughout history have practiced idolatry, the worship of idols."

Why does the first commandment prohibit idolatry?

the first commandment prohibits idolatry because believing in false gods is against the catholic religion.

How many syllables in idolatry?

4 syllables

Is it idolatry to make up stories?

No. From a Christian perspective, idolatry is worshipping something instead of God, putting something or someone in the place God should be in your life. If by "making up stories," you mean lying, then it is a sin, yes, but it would be the sin of lying, not of idolatry.

What is idolatry in Judaism?

Judaism proclaims the belief in One God (Deuteronomy 6:4), and forbids idolatry Exodus ch.20 and other passages). Idolatry means the worship of idols, images, gods, or anyone or anything other than God, who created the universe.See also:What_do_Jews_believe_God_is_likeHow_did_polytheism_develop

What god was left for the Egyptians after the Plagues?

They continued in their idolatry.

What is the valley below Jerusalem where idolatry was practiced?
