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The narrative of Divine Creation, which is contained in Genesis ch.1 and 2, means that God created the universe. This teaches us that God exists, that our lives and the world are meaningful, and that the created things may be assumed to contain vast wisdom in their beautiful and purposeful design. (In recent decades, this wisdom has indeed been partially revealed, through increasingly powerful microscopes.)Evolution through random mutations, on the other hand, may be understood as implying that life is an accident, that perceived beauty and wisdom are ultimately purposeless, and that our instinctive yearning for the Eternal is just an electrical impulse in our brain.

See also:

Is there evidence against Evolution

Can you show that God exists

God's wisdom seen in His creations

More about God's wisdom

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This is the belief that the first humans were created by God, just as we are now, usually in some way based on Genesis chapters 1 or 2.
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God tends not to have theories.

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Q: What is the divine theory on the creation of man?
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Who discovered divine creation theory?

The theory of divine creation has been a fundamental concept in various religious beliefs throughout history and is not credited to a single individual. It is a belief that attributes the creation of the universe to a divine being, such as God, across different cultures and religions.

What are the different theories about the creation of man?

Some theories about the creation of man include religious beliefs such as creationism, which posits that a divine being created humans; scientific theory of evolution, which suggests that humans evolved from earlier species through natural selection; and cultural myths and legends that vary across different societies and civilizations. Each theory offers a unique perspective on the origin of humanity.

Which theory of government claims that the king connects the heavens and the earth?

the divine right theory

What is divine crestion theory?

I think you mean 'divine creation'. There are two main schools of thought as to the origin of mankind on earth. One, we evolved from apes, and two, we were created by God.

The three approaches in the story of man?

1. Evolution theory 2. Creation theory 3. Big-bang theory

what does theory of special creation say?

In creationism, special creation is a theological doctrine which states that the universe and all life in it originated in its present form by unconditional fiat or divine decree.

What are the theories of state origin.Explain each theories.?

Divine right theory- holds that the state is divine creation and the ruler is ordained by God to govern the people. necessity or force theory- maintains that states must have been created through force.

Charles Darwin theory of evolution explicitly rejected the dogma of special creation?

Yes, Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection challenged the idea of special creation by proposing that all species, including humans, have evolved over time through a process of variation, natural selection, and adaptation to their environment. This theory provided a scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth without relying on the notion of divine creation.

What is the God's Perfect Creation Theory?

The God's Perfect Creation Theory is a belief that posits that everything in the world was created by a perfect and all-powerful deity and that this creation is perfectly designed and balanced in every way. This theory is often associated with religious teachings that focus on the divine origins of the universe and humanity.

Why was the theory of evolution so difficult for people to consider?

Because 1) the theory of Evolution (humans evolving from simpler forms of life) challenges a traditional Judeo-Christian religious belief that humans were created by a supreme being at a specific moment in time and 2) the majority of Americans claim to be either Jewish or Christian (creating a large body of belief in divine creation.) Within the Scientific 'truth-system', this 'divine creation' belief is a theory. Within the Christian 'truth-system' it must be fact. (From a Christian perspective the belief in divine creation is one of the fundamental supports to the structure of Christian beliefs.)

Which theory about the origins of government holds that government was created by divine power?

Divine Right Theory is the theory about the origins of government that it was created by divine power.

What happened during the creation of theory?

Firstly the story of creation is just that a STORY not a theory. The story of creation is told in the first book of the bible called Genesis. It was a way to explain the existence of the earth, its features and its inhabitants in ancient times when man didn't know any better. Now man has much greater knowledge of such things and we have the Big Bang Theory.