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Roman Catholic AnswerTo the best of my knowledge Mormons use the same mutilated Bible in common use in protestant sects, the mistranslation known as the King James and more recent ones which omit the seven Old Testament Books that Martin Luther disagreed with.
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The main difference between the Mormon Bible and the Catholic Bible is in their content. The Mormon Bible, also known as the Book of Mormon, is an additional sacred text considered by Mormons to be a companion to The Bible. The Catholic Bible includes the Old and New Testaments, whereas the Mormon Bible contains a narrative of ancient American prophets and their teachings. Additionally, the Catholic Bible includes books not found in the Mormon Bible, such as Tobit, Judith, and Maccabees.

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Q: What is the difference with mormon Bible and Catholic Bible?
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Roman Catholic AnswerNo difference, Catholic and Christian is the same thing. I imagine that you are asking the difference between a Catholic/Christian Bible and a protestant Bible, which protestants may refer to as a Christian Bible. Protestants have removed a number of books from the Old Testament as they were uncomfortable with not believing things that the Bible said, so they changed the Bible.

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Roman Catholic AnswerFunny thing about that, the Catholic Church wrote and approved the Bible, all approved Bibles are "Catholic Bibles". Without the Catholic Church there would be no Bible today. The only non-Catholic Bibles are protestant Bibles, and the only difference in them, is that they have removed some books from the Old Testament with which they did not agree. So, to answer your question, of course the Bible includes the book of Leviticus.

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