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I assume you are asking "What is the difference between creation and evolution?"

There are many different versions of each belief system, but the primary underlying difference is what is your basis for your beliefs. Broadly speaking, a "creationist" will base his beliefs on what they understand has been "said" by their Creator. Likewise, broadly speaking, an "evolutionist" will base his beliefs on what they understand has been demonstrated by their observations and experiments.

Honest inquiry into both systems is important so you can arrive at the answer you can feel confident in. Just be sure to study honest proponents of each side so you can be sure you've seen both viewpoints properly explained. Both sides can supply many volumes of arguments in support of their viewpoint. However, it does boil down to, "Where do you place your trust for reliable information."

The simplest, most direct answer to your question is that, creation teaches that God created everything, while evolution teaches that all things have come into existence without God, and immediately, before I am jumped on, I must say that there are many, many variations of each view. This is where a much deeper study of each view is really needed.

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