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In most respects they are very similar. But the defining difference is Jesus Christ as saviour. The Christian bible tells us that only through Christ will one attain heaven.

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Q: What is the difference in a christian and a Muslim heaven and hell?
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Does the Muslim religion believe in a hell?

Yes the Muslim religion has both a hell and a heaven

If you say you are a believer. how can a christian decide you are going to hell because i am a Muslim and my belief is different from theres?

Basicaly they can not. what they are saying is if you stay good to God and follow his word and teachings you will rejoice with him in heaven.

Do Muslim believe in heaven and hell?

Yes of course & the both are mentioned in the Holy Quran. refer to question below for more information.

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According to Christian belief, Jesus is in Heaven, seated at the right hand of the Father. Hell was prepared for the Devil and his angels.

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no people who used to have tatoos are called as fuel of hell, they will not enter in to heaven .. even he cannot smell the heaven

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They do, but not in the same concept as other Christian churches. Christian Scientists believe that heaven and hell are just a state of mind and not actual places such as the bible teaches.

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For hellhounds make the part of the christian mythology, they are as fictional as our belief of hell or heaven. It depends on your belief.

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Heaven and Hell

How do Christian concepts of heaven and hell differ from the Greeks' idea of Hades?

The Underworld in Greek mythology is a place where everyone goes when they die, the bad the good, everyone. There is no heaven or hell.In Christian mythology it is thought the good people go to Heaven while the bad people or 'sinners' go to Hell.

What does the Eagle sympboliz In The Bible?

Turn to Islam and you won't go to hell! Don't be a Christian be a Muslim!

Are you a Christian if you don't believe in hell?

You may still be a Christian, but it is important to believe in both heaven and hell, because this is what is mentioned in the Bible. Jesus refers to hell in various passages of the New Testament, such as in Luke 12:5

Do you live when you die?

When you die, you either go to Heaven or Hell. If you are saved (a Christian), then you will see Jesus!