HOLY....... refers to statures and relations.it is a spiritual state such as purity from defilement.(strongs exhaustive concordence of The Bible)
APOSLE...... is a title to describe a person appointed to this office by divine appointment.the person is a ambassdor of the gospel of Jesus Christ.with mirculous powers.also is defined as a messanger or he that is sent.
Holiness is like a a spiritual church, baptist is like a faith church basically the same as christian .
Both Catholics & Orthodox believe in Apostolic Succession, while Protestants do not.
No difference; many of them lived concurrently and were teachers/disciples of each other; and the prophecies have the same level of holiness. The designation "minor" was used for short prophecies.
Hi. If your question is About Mt Zion Christian Church in Australia, pastored by Robert Sewell, then the answer is they are the same thing. There are churces allready in Australia called 'apostolic' and they are not apostolic at all. The name was just made simple because very few churches in Australia have complex names. What is more important than the name is what is taught. I am Robert's sister in law? Who is writing?
The pope does not live in a chapel, but lives in the Apostolic Palace. The Sistine Chapel lies between the Apostolic Palace and St. Peter's Basilica.
Yes! I am proud to be Apostolic!
I feel skeptical about holiness.
there's no difference in the holy texts only with beliefs about baptism (how old u should be), protestants won't acknowledge His Holiness, the Pope, as head of the church, and protestants don't have rosaries and many ceremonies like chriestings.
holiness' sofa silaba
That is the correct spelling of the noun "holiness" (sanctity).The spelling when used for the Pope is capitalized (e.g. His Holiness).
There are many different denominations called Apostolic Church; here are some:The Armenian Apostolic ChurchApostolic Church (Pentecostal), formed in 1916Catholic Apostolic Church, formed in 1835Old Apostolic ChurchNew Apostolic Church, formed in 1879United Apostolic Church, including the Apostolic Church of Queenslandand the Apostolic Church of South AfricaApostolic Church (Czech Republic)Apostolic Church (Slovakia)Apostolic Christian ChurchAnswerA church that calls themselves apostolic normally is based upon the foundations of the apostles and Jesus Christ himself.There is the Catholic Apostolic Church....but it is not Catholic.Catholic AnswerIf you are talking about the denomination, the Apostolic Church, it is a protestant ecclesiastical community founded in 1916, see the link below. The Catholic Church is the original apostolic Church as it was founded on the Apostle Peter in the year 33 A.D. and has been guided continuously by his successors since then.
Apostle David Lee Dupree Is the Founder of The Solid Rock True Holiness Churches Of the Apostolic Faith Inc . Headquartered In Boston MA. Not only is he a dynamic and anointed man of GOD he is also a talented musician Check out his videos on you-tube