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physically:you are given birth by your mum. spiritually:your clean and sin free (hope it help mate/dude

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Q: What is the difference between being born physically and being reborn spiritually?
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Being spiritually reborn

What does God want everyone to do in order to be spiritually reborn?

Admit that they need to be spiritually reborn. Then believe that through the death of Jesus Christ God's son they can be spiritually reborn 1John 5:11 And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. 1John 5:12 He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. 1John 5:13 These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

What do god want everyone to do in orderto be spiritually reborn?

To believe and trust in him as the leader of your life. To truly beleave that he sent his son to die for your sins.

If you were to be reborn who would it be?

Assuming that this is an opinion question, if I could be reborn as anyone, I would be someone with power so I could make a difference for the better in our world.

What trap or spell can reborn monster?

Reborn the Monster Other wise known as Monster Reborn

What does reborn pregnant mean?

it mean that when u really love a reborn it is concendered reborn pregnant

Where in seaham can you get a reborn doll?

Dolly Dimples Reborn Nursery sell the best reborn dolls

If you are born again do you have two belly buttons?

No. Being born again is a spiritual term. You don't get physically reborn. You can't physically reenter your mother's womb and be born in another nine months. Being born again does not necessarily mean being reborn physically. It means that one dies (as a sinner) and is reborn, baptized, cleansed by Christ, and cothed in Him. It is a spiritual rebirth. == No, because they're reuseable. ---- This is an old joke that was used as a way to "mock" or make fun of those of the Christian Faith that believe in being "born again". The term born again is a spiritual term, as stated in the above answer. Most Christians find such humor offensive and degrading, which is what the "joke" was originally intended for, there is no "true" answer for this question.

What is the meaning of katekyo hitman reborn?

There isn't a difference, Katekyo is just a short version of the word katekyoushi that means tutor.

How tall is Jaime Reborn?

Jaime Reborn is 6'.

How do you write reborn in Korean?

다시 태어난 = reborn

What is the password for Monster Reborn?

The password for Monster Reborn is 24094653.