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A church and a church building can be the same thing. However, a church may mean the whole body of Christians, or congregation, or the branch of Christianity that it comes from, (ex. the Episcopal church). Church grounds may include many buildings, including the office, Sunday school or day school hallways, etc. Or they may only include one building. Both of these have a "church building." A church building is the actual building that may include the nave, (pews), the narthex, the sanctuary, (where the altar is) and the choir. It is where the actual public Christian worship takes place.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

The difference of them is that (in English) "church" first means the gathering of the people of God, and secondarily the building used by them for meeting to worship. Usually in English, "temple" refers to a non-Christian house of worship, as for example Jewish, Buddhist, Hindu, etc. It's interesting to note that in Mexican Spanish "church (iglesia)" almost always refers to the group of believers and worshippers, while "temple (templo)" almost always refers to a house of worship, both Christian and non-Christian.

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