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Southern Baptists are Christians.

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Madalyn Pagac

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3y ago
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10y ago

Baptism is one of the schools of Christianity all the different Christian religions follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in the way it suits them best.
There are numerous differances.

First of all Christains believe in Jesus christ as the one true God. There is no other God than him, other gods don't exist.

The believe Jesus Christ, the begotten Son promised since the beginning of Sin died on the cross and rose from the dead. He

lived a sinless life for He was God and thus should not have died. He rose form the dead and defeated sin and death and evil

by doing so. By believeing in him as true God then may have eternal life in heaven with God.

Christian believe the Bible is the only Holy Book of Christianity (it is).

Other than that there are many veriations among what people personally believe about things, but ultimatly all the awnsers

are in the Bible, you just have to look closely for what you want to know.

Different denomonations of Christainity believe different things, such as somepeople believe you need to do good word to got

to heaven, or that there is no heaven but a sort of unity with God, or that if you've done someting bad you need to pay money

to correct it. These things arn't ture they arn't mentioned in the Bible, there really is a heaven, and its infinent in size,

just as God power is infinent.

Mormonism is NOT a denomonation of Christianiny because they do no believe the basics about Jesus, among many many many other


Mormons believe that Jesus was an arch angel. (arch angel=a very special angel.)

Mormons believe that there are three heavens.

XXXXXThe lowest one is where black people, killers, murders, rapist and all around bad people that still believe in the

Mormon faith go. (very very racist religion, the God that is true would never condem any of his creations because of how they

look, he made them look that way so... why condem them.)

*****This is a true fact, The Bible, more specifically Genisis, only talks about the universes creation and then jumps right

to when God made this world. Don't be alarmed but yes... where are not the first world He made and clearly by the size of our

infinent universe I would guess where no where near the last (if there will b a last) So a section of Revalation is devoeted

to exsplaining a great battle that took place long before our world bettween angels lead by Lucifer (Satan, aka Devil) and

angels lead by God agaisnt Lucifer. (Lucifer was in term of beauty second only to God, he envys God and hates all that God

loves, that's why he tricked Adam and Eve into eating that fruit.)

God's team had 2/3 of the angles on his side or Satan's team had 1/3 , Lucifer lost, and all that joined him agaisnt God

fell to hell with him and are know as demons. Yes demons are real, but they can't hurt you if you have Jesus in your heart.

Anyway Mormons believe this battle was different, they believe that God had 1/3, Satan had 1/3 and 1/3 decided to not do

anything. That 1/3 of people where reborn here on Earth with a special curse... that curse is having black skin.

(Yes they really went there....)

XXXXThe middle heaven is where good Mormons go. That's all really if your good but not great and you'd go here.

The believe that sin was all there god's plan and that Jesus and Satan have assigned jobs. The aslo believe Satan and Jesus

are brothers. One good one evil, but that was the job they where given because the world couldn't have started without sin.

Yes this is all what the Mormons believe.

None of this is ANYWHERE near the Bible... which is one of the oldest written texts in the World and used as a Historical

reference book for the middle east. The 12 real tribes of the Isrealites real physical acient coins (you can see them in real

museums) and real anciet structers that back up that fact that they exsisted.

Morom has nothing but a book that some guy says he saw.

Another difference is Mormons beliteve in 'spirit babies' This is a pharse I use to exsplain it but they believe all souls

are born by God's wife...

*****(God has a wife now?-The He we use before God is mostly just to give him a human feel the true God has no gender, God

has no need for one. Making God mascualn gives him power and stenght and socity, and Jesus came here as a man so he could

fufil the promise, also it was hard enough back than that God could be in man's body... they would probably have stoned Jesus

right away if he were in a woman's body... plus to fufil the promise he need to be curcomsized (can't have that happen to a

woman, she doesn't have the part)

Mormons believe this goddess is forever pregnant and forever giving birth (ouch) to us the souls of all who live on this

planet. And if you don't get pregnant here on this planet and give birth to as many spirit babies as you can... than they

will forever remain in a purgatory like place... limbo essinatally.

(This is way many Mormon families are really big.)

*****The Bible, contry to Mormon beliefs says the soul is created in conception. So essintially the momet your pregnant there

is a soul. (More accuratly the moment the sperm fertilizes the egg there is a soul.)

XXXxxxxxThe highest heaven is the heaven where the near perfect Mormons go. If your good, hardly sin, do mission work, this

is where Mormons think they go. In this heaven you become god of your own planet. The man comes first and has a special name

for his wife that lives in the ground. If you call her name she'll come up, if not... well your wife stays there forever. The

wife has spirit babies that you make into souls for your planet and you have utter power over it. Oh yeah and the God that

the Mormons worship was once a man just like us humans....


Mormons believe in another book in additon to the Bible( The don't consider the Bible to be a very Holy Book... they say its

not as sacred as the Book of Mormon.)

Facts about Mormonism

******** The Mormon faith is less then 200 years old. It was forged in America by a man named John Smith.

Personlly I don't want to offened anyone any further than I may or may not have so I will not say all the aweful things john

Smith was infomous for during his life time in the early 1800s.

So if you'd like to read on him here is the place to go.,_Jr.

I'm rather sorry about anythin cruel in this awnser, if you don't like or don't agree with something I've said I'm deeply

sorry. I meerly feel strongly about people being tricked or conned. I feel that Mormon people are nice and cultured and often

exsample citizens, but I also feel as though they have been tricked.

There are probably many more things I could not mention about the Mormon faith but another sight might be best for greater details.

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11y ago

Baptists are a category of Christian. Baptists spring Protestant Christianity. Historically, Baptists come from the Dissenters (dissenters within the Anglican Church), which came from the Anglican Church, which came from Roman Catholicism (mostly).

Some characteristics of Baptists that make them different from many (but not all) other Christians include:

1. Two Biblically ordained in the church: Pastors and Deacons.

2. Two Biblically commanded rights (or ordinances): Baptism and Lord's Supper

3. Baptism for believers only, and by immersion in water.

4. Autonomy of the local church

5. Priesthood of the believer. This is similar to "soul sufficiency." Both generally relate to the idea that there is no need for a vicar or priest to act as a go-between church members and Christ.

6. Biblical authority. The Bible is the primary source of God's revelation to us, and is authoritative for faith and practice. Related to this, Baptists are non-creedal. They reject a formal faith creed, relying instead on the Biblical text.

7. Individual soul liberty. Each member has the ability (and responsibiltiy) to interpret the Bible. Members are not required to go to an expert or an authority figure to figure out what to believe.

8. Membership of believers. Church membership is limited to those who are believers in Christ. Belief is voluntary and conscious. Babies, for example, cannot be members (although they would still be recognized as being part of the "church family")

Reiterating... Baptists are a type of Christian, although there are differences between Baptists and many other types of Christians.

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