The right Baptism is the Baptism to the Orthodox Church . This is Because almost from the very beginning, Christians referred to the Church as the "One, Holy, Catholic (universal) and Apostolic Church". Today, in addition to the Orthodox Church, a number of other Christian churches lay claim to this title (including the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the Assyrian Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church); however, the Orthodox Church considers these other churches to be schismatic and, in some cases, heretical. In the Orthodox view, the Assyrians and Orientals left the Orthodox Church in the first few centuries after Christ, and later the Roman Catholics did the same, becoming the largest ever group to leave the Church. This event is known as the East-West Schism, and it is traditionally dated to the year 1054, although it was more of a gradual process than a sudden break.
There is nothing in The Bible which actually says "How to perform a baptism". Most Christians follow the best-guess of how John the Baptist had baptised Jesus, especially after Jesus had said to "baptize all people of all nations".
The correct Baptism is to be baptism to the Orthodox Church . This is because when Lord Jesus Christ the Son of God had come to earth to save us from our sins, the first Christians referred to the Church as the "One , Holy, Catholic which means Universal , and Apostolic Church .Today, in addition to the Orthodox Church, a number of other Christian churches lay claim to this title (including the Roman Catholic Church, the Anglican Communion, the Assyrian Church and the Oriental Orthodox Church); however, the Orthodox Church considers these other churches to be schismatic and, in some cases, heretical. In the Orthodox view, the Assyrians and Orientals left the Orthodox Church in the first few centuries after Christ, and later the Roman Catholics did the same, becoming the largest ever group to leave the Church. This event is known as the East-West Schism, and it is traditionally dated to the year 1054, although it was more of a gradual process than a sudden break.
Baptized is the correct US English spelling.The British English spelling is baptised.
Lutherans do baptize babies, and most believe it should be done. They baptize adults as well.
they baptize by blood they baptize by blood
iNo he can not baptize himself the priest has to do it
The US spelling of the word is baptized, from to baptize (annoint, christen).The UK version is baptised, from the S spelling.
Seventh day Adventists baptize by immersion. Baptists also baptise in this way, as do Pentecostal churches. so do jehovahs witnesses
no,how can it be
All Christian Churches baptize in the name of Jesus.
Baptize is a religious ritual in which a person is immersed in water or has water poured over them as a symbol of purification or initiation into the faith. It is practiced in various religions, including Christianity, as a way to show commitment to God and to mark the beginning of a new spiritual journey. Baptism is seen as a sacrament or a sacred act with deep spiritual significance.
You must baptize your child , so that she will filled with the holy ghost. When a child is baptize, he/she has become a part of God's family, the Church.
In a case of emergency absolutely anyone can baptize anyone. If aspiring to be a Catholic, the proper way is to be baptized in a baptistry by a priest according to the rites and ceremonies of the Church. If in the absence of a priest your death seems imminent and baptism is desired, anyone can baptize you provided they do what the Church does by pouring water upon some part of your body (commonly the brow, but if pinned under something or inaccessible, any part of the body will do) and pronouncing the words, "I baptize you in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
according to my research Nelson Mandela was religious he was baptize in a Christian church and follow the way of the Christian laws.