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Life is fleeting---enjoy it while you can because when it's over, it's over.


Ecclesiastes uses the negative path to show the need for resurrection and life beyond. Jesus showed life can be meaningful as His servant waiting for His promised resurrection.

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Q: What is the conclusion of Ecclesiastes?
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How many chapters are in the book of Ecclesiastes?

There are 12 chapters in the book of Ecclesiastes.

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When was Ecclesiastes of Erasmus created?

Ecclesiastes of Erasmus was created in 1535.

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A Rose for Ecclesiastes was created in 1963.

What is after Ecclesiastes in the bible?

The next book after Ecclesiastes is Song of Solomon

What is the abbreviation of Ecclesiastes?

The abbreviation for the Book of Ecclesiastes is Ecc.

What book comes between proverbs and Ecclesiastes in the bible?

None. The Bible order is for Proverbs followed by the Book of Ecclesiastes.

What chapter is after Ecclesiastes in the bible?

The next book after Ecclesiastes is Song of Solomon

Which chapter of Ecclesiastes has fear god and keep his commandments for this is the whole duty of man?

It is the final chapter of the book and it is the most quoted verse of the book for people believe it is the conclusion. Actually it was written by someone other that the writer of Ecclesiastes to give a short summary and to suggest that the whole book is full of great wisdom. Unfortunately it backfired and most only read the ending.

How do you spell ecclessiastes?

The correct spelling is "Ecclesiastes" (a book in the Bible).

is this how you spell Ecclesiastes?

That is the correct spelling of the proper noun Ecclesiastes (book of the Old Testament in the Bible).

Who wroe Ecclesiastes?
