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Messiah son of Joseph (Hebrew: MASHIAH BEN YOSEF משיח בן יוסף) is a late concept first introduced in the Babylonian Talmud (See Suca pg. 52 A). He is said to precede the "Final Messiah" which is named "Messiah son of Judah".

The exact role of Messiah son of Joseph is unclear in the Talmud. The only thing mentioned about him there is that he will be killed and then eulogized in Jerusalem. The Talmud learns this by homiletic interpretation of some verses from the book of Zechariah (12:10-12).

Many Jewish commentators tried broadening the background of this Messiah. The mainstream explanation is that Messiah son of Joseph may be a symbol or an actual person which his objective is to build the materialistic foundation for the coming of the final Messiah (son of Judah) that will bring a more spiritual and moral improvement to Jews and to the world.

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Q: What is the concept of Messiah son of Joseph in Judaism?
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Jesus was a Jew, although most Jews do not accept Jesus as the Messiah aka Son of God aka God in the flesh. Answer: The above answer has nothing to do with what Judaism has contributed to the world. Even the idea of 'messiah' presented diametrically opposes the teachings of Judaism. Judaism has contributed: 1. monotheism 2. the concept of individual rights 3. public education 4. ethical treatment of animals 5. the concept of a day of rest from work 6. the idea that all countries should have just and ethical laws and judicial systems 7. the concept that there should be a limitation of punishment for crimes committed There are many more contributions.

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Judaism does not believe Jesus is the son of god or the messiah. Islam believes in Jesus, just that he is not the son of God but a prophet like Muhammad.

What might be considered an important difference between Judaism and Christianity?

There are many major differences between Judaism and Christianity. The following are only some of the differences between the two religions and is not a complete list. The following Christian beliefs not only do not exist in Judaism but most of them directly violate the teachings of Judaism: - The trinity - Original sin - The Christian concept of sin - The devil - Heaven and hell - The idea of eternal damnation - The Christian concept of messiah - The virgin birth - That G-d can be man or son of man - The need to pray to G-d through intermediaries - The Christian concept of salvation and grace

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