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It was known as the Krystalnacht. (Night of broken glass).

The common name was basically just "Roughnecks".

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Krystallnacht (The Night of Broken Glass), 9 November 1938.

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Q: What is the common name of the night members of the Nazi party burned and destroyed businesses owned by Jews and synagogues?
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Members of the nazi party who were burned and destroyed businesses owned by Jews and synagogues?


Members of the nazi party burned and destroyed businesses owned by jews?


How many synagogues were destroyed in World War 2?

The fate of synagogues and Jewish business's depended greatly on what part of Europe they were in. Some were left untouched by the war while others were burned down or even bombed.

What happend on kristalnacht night of broken glasses?

The shopfronts of Jewish businesses were smashed and many synagogues were burned.

What is Kristlenacht?

KRISTALLNACHT On the nights of November 9 and 10, gangs of Nazi youth roamed through Jewish neighborhoods breaking windows of Jewish businesses and homes, burning synagogues and looting. In all 101 synagogues were destroyed and almost 7,500 Jewish businesses were destroyed. 26,000 Jews were arrested and sent to concentration camps, Jews were physically attacked and beaten and 91 died.

What does the word 'Kristallnacht' translate to in English?

It's referred to in English as the 'Night of the Broken Glass' or is left untranslated. (Literally, it means 'crystal glass night') The capitalized term refers to events on the night of November 9, 1938 in Germany, when Nazis damaged, looted or burned Jewish homes, synagogues, and businesses (i.e. broke the windows), and usually destroyed other property, as well as injuring many Jews and killing some 91 of them.

How was the crystal palace destroyed?

It burned down in 1936

Who did the Nazis blame for starting the night of broken glass?

A Polish Jew named Herschel Grynszpan. He assassinated a Nazi politician, and the Nazis used it as reason to attack the Jews - Grynszpan made the Jews look dangerous. The Nazis retaliated by initiating Kristallnacht - better known as The Night of Broken Glass, where they burned, looted, and destroyed Jewish homes, businesses, and places of worship (synagogues). Over 30,000 Jews were also arrested, and 91 were subsequently killed.

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they were taken over and burned from the inside

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The capital building was burned and destroyed in or before the war of 1812.

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burned down and puritans shut it down

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it's destroyed and burned in it's entirety