

Best Answer

It is about many things in our faith, and the opening words show what Paul is sending us through the Holy Spirit - grace and peace (1.2).

Also verse 9 in the first chapter shows us Paul's desire for the Philippian church and for us:

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all judgment

Another Answer:

Philippi in the 1st Century A.D. was populated with a diverse group - Asian, Greek and Roman. The people, therefore, would of had little in common. These different 'races,' having the usual different social ranks and religious loyalties - that is until Paul introduced them to the teachings of Jesus Christ. The primary teaching was that each of them were equal in the body of Christ (His Church) and that all were sinners saved by God's grace. They were to follow the example of Jesus and humble themselves as He did and be united in the love of Christ and His Father. Basically, the Church of God at Philippi was being taught to break the rules of men: 'There is neither Jew, nor Greek, their is neither slave nor free...for you are all one in Christ Jesus' (Galatians 3:28). Philippi became one of the most integrated places in the Mediterranean world.

Paul, though in prison, taught the prominent theme of 'joy' of serving Jesus.

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