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The reason we are all here: to propagate the species and increase the value of life for all humans on the planet. * Open in Google Docs Viewer * Open link in new tab * Open link in new window * Open link in new incognito window * Download file * Copy link address * Edit PDF File on


Existentialism is difficult to explain as it takes on different forms for different people but for most of its followers, it can be described as atheistic. Existentialism can be defined as a philosophy that sees human existence in an indifferent universe, unexplainable, that we have freedom of choice and are responsible for our own acts: each person's experience is as a unique individual rather than a member of a collective. There is no ultimate purpose. There is no created meaning (or purpose) for life and humans can create their own meaning.

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13y ago
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9y ago

Atheists believe human nature exists. Exesistentialism is not really co-related with Atheism.

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9y ago

Human nature exists, regardless of yor insistant use of existentialism. It is a word not needed as part of a question of atheism.

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9y ago

Existentialism does not play into atheism.

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Q: What is the atheistic existentialist view on human nature?
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Madison's view on human nature is realistic. He believed that man was at his best when capable of self reason and discipline.

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Any atheist is a person who simply doesn't hold a belief in a god or gods. As such, he or she could have any belief about suffering or death, because atheism is not a belief, and it is not dogmatic.

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What are the differences between the clasics and the moderns Human nature virtue democracy?

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