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The anti - Christ means a person recognized as fulfilling the Biblical prophecies about one who will oppose Christ and substitute himself in Christ's place.

The Antichrist can be any person or spirit that leads one to believe that Jesus Christ is not the only Begotten Son of God and did not come in the name of God to do the will of the Father. An Antichrist will declare that Jesus is not the Savior of the world.>

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16y ago

The answer is found in 1 John 2:18-23, and in the very definition of the word. "Anti" means opposite, opposed to, opponent of. Therefore, "antichrist" means "opposed to Christ" or "opponent/enemy of Christ."

Contrary to the erroneous view in the religious world today that there is one Antichrist who is yet to come (or may be here already), the apostle John first says that there are manyantichrists, and that they were already in the world at the time John wrote his epistles (1 John 1:18). He then goes on to describe these antichrists as those who at one time had at least pretended to be part of Christianity (false teachers) (1 John 1:19). Finally he describes them as liars, as those that deny that Jesus is the Christ, and as those that deny both the Father and the Son (1 John 1:22).

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9y ago

In the first lette of John the Anti-Christ will deny that Jesus Christ came in the flesh.

1. The Anti-Christ will be male: " Neither shall he..."

2. He will be Ex-Jewish; " Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers.."

3. He will be either Gay, Impotent or Celibate; " nor the desire of women,"

4. An Atheist; "nor regard any god:"

5. A very powerful man; "for he shall magnify himself above all."

Daniel 11:3737 Neither shall he regard the God of his fathers, nor the desire of women, nor regard any god: for he shall magnify himself above all.
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16y ago

"Christ" is from the Greek - "christos", which is the Greek term used to represent the Hebrew "mosiach" which means the anointed of God. Therefore... the Anti-Christ can be interpreted to be any thing or one who is opposed to the "anointed of God". The Jewish religion refers to quite a few different persons as the "anointed of God". "Christ" is a vague term subject to linguistic, cultural, and religious interpretation. "Anti-Christ" is a term that is even more vague. Don't expect a definitive answer to this one.

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13y ago

It is mentioned more clearly by John in the book of Revelations, which says that the Antichrist will rule for a period of seven years, three and a half of them will be good years , but the other three and a half years will be very bad , people will have the mark of the beast , which is 666.

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