Lilith Stabs's birth name is Laurie Wright.
Zindzi is not an Afrikaans name and therefore has no significance in the Afrikaans language.
The Afrikaans name for George is Jurie.
"What" in Afrikaans is "Wat". "What is your name?" is "Wat is jou naam?" in Afrikaans.
It means "Demon of the Night"
The English name for the Afrikaans term "bruin capel" is brown house snake.
The meaning of the name Chamboko Sjambok Afrikaans in Shona language of the African origin is "a whip."
hond is only the Afrikaans for 'dog'. A male dog specifically is a reun.
The Jewish myth of Lilith seems to have begun well before the Common Era, while the notion of Lucifer as another name for Satan only arose among the Christians in the Common Era. So, Lilith is older.