There are thousands of images on the Internet of the inauguration of Pope Francis and a number of individuals are shown with him. Perhaps the most commonly seen individual in the photos is Monsignor Guido Marini, the Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations. For more information see the link below.
Any music not written for use in religious rituals or celebrations is non-liturgical. As such, almost every major composer from any age wrote at least some non-liturgical music. From the earliest times, Monteverdi, Handel, Bach, Haydn, Mozart and Beethoven up to our own time, they all have written non-liturgical music.
Pontifical University of Salamanca was created in 1940.
Pontifical Irish College was created in 1628.
Salesian Pontifical University was created in 1940.
Pontifical Urbaniana University was created in 1962.
Pontifical Missionary Union was created in 1916.
Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy was created in 1701.
Pontifical Biblical Commission was created in 1902.
Pontifical Bolivarian University was created in 1936.
Pontifical University Antonianum was created in 1933.
Pontifical Mission for Palestine was created in 1949.