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Parmenides founded the Eleatic school 5th century BCE and greatly influenced the way we currently look at truth in spite of only leaving a fragment of a poem to posterity. Plato was reputedly greatly influenced by him, and western history was similarly influenced. The poem fragment describes two views of reality, in the Way of Truth, reality is one. Change is impossible, and existence is timeless, uniform, and unchanging and is thus similar to Buddhist principles as viewed by someone who has reached and realized the yonder shore and its relation to dharma, rta or the order of the universe. In the Way of Opinion or Doxa, Parmenides wrote of a false and deceitful world bound up in Maya, illusion or popular opinion. There is only one truth. Having 1000 people vote on what is true will not change the fact that if the truth is "this" and no one votes "this" way, then the majority fails to carry even if there are 999 in agreement. Thus, the way of truth discusses that which does not pass away at death, the way of opinion discusses the illusory which will not survive.

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5th century BCE.

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Parmenides of Elea lived during the 6th or 5th century BCE. H was born between 515 and 540 BCE in Magna Graecia.

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Parmenides is known for his philosophical argument that reality is unchanging and that change is illusory. He believed that "being" is the only reality and that "becoming" is just a product of our limited human perception. His ideas laid the foundation for metaphysics and influenced later philosophers such as Plato.

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