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I know their beliefs are no different than any other Christian beliefs but they mostly based on the New Testament and not the old one. They do not believe in churches as house of the lord, they believe that in your heart is where the lord belongs, so they ignore churches. And less modern life like women with make-ups is a no no, Television is a not an option because of their kids growing up in this modern world. I know a little bit about this because I'm married to one.. .

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They reject a number of mainstream Christian doctrines. They are anti-trinitarian and don't believe in the Holy Trinity. So they have Unitarian beliefs and don't see Jesus as God. Their view of salvation requires self-sacrifice. While their faith has some roots in the Holiness movement, it is not charismatic in nature. They believe in modest dress and discourage use of media. Those who have divorced and remarried may not be allowed to take part in certain meetings, depending on the area.

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Noah was told to build an arc and God sent animals two by two. Can be found in any Bible!

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