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Sikh Holy Book is the ultimate authority in Sikhism and thus it guide every Sikhs to how to live one's life. Hymns are sang from Sikh Holy Books, Contemplation and Reflection on the words of the Sikh Gurus are done from Sikh Holy Book.

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13y ago

The sacred book of Buddhism is called the Tipitaka. It is written in an ancient Indian language called Pali which is very close to the language that the Buddha himself spoke. The Tripitaka is a very large book. The English translation of it takes up nearly forty volumes.

Buddhists do not have sacred books and they do not pray. There are no deities in Buddhism so there is no one to pray to.

The nearest things Buddhists have to sacred books are the books of the Pali Canon, called the Tipitaka ("The Three Baskets") but the canon is not sacred, it is a collection of books with sermons, talks, stories, verses, and so on that probably were composed in the Buddha's time, and are the closest we have to original source material. Though Buddhists have a great deal of respect for these texts, they are not considered sacred as they have nothing to do with divinity.

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6y ago

Prayer is a supplication to a god for forgiveness, special consideration or protection. As Buddhism had no god in the Christian sense, only a belief that people can resolve their own way to enlightenment, there is no reason tp pray to a non-existent power. That said there are no books to teach them to pray yo a power that is not there.

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14y ago

Sikhs use the Guru Granth Sahib to pray.

Hope this helps

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14y ago

we pray with a gutka( i don't know how to spell it). It has all our prayers.

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15y ago

The Sikh book of worship is called the 'Guru Granth Sahib Ji.' It is written in the ancient language Sunskrit and contains all the Gurus teachings.

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13y ago

The Sikh holy book is used for Naming children when they are born and it is where the Sikhs can hear the teachings of the guru's.

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Why is Sikh a holy book?

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Yes, the 11th and current Sikh guru is their holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib.

Whose holy book is Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji?

Shri Guru Granth Sahib Ji is the Sikh holy book.

What is the sikism holy book?

The Sikh holy book is called the Guru Granth Sahib. It is a collection of writings and teachings compiled by the Sikh Gurus and other spiritual leaders. It is considered the central religious scripture of Sikhism.

What are some stories in the Sikh holy book?

Some stories in the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, include the life stories of the ten Sikh Gurus, teachings on morality, equality, and justice, as well as hymns and poetry that reflect on spiritual themes such as devotion, selflessness, and humility. The Guru Granth Sahib also contains stories of historical figures and events that illustrate key principles of Sikhism.

What is the Sikh's scared writing?

The Sikh sacred language is Gurmukhi and Sunskrit. They are the languages in which the Guru Granth Sahib (the holy book) is written in.

Who gives people guidance in a Sikh temple?

A Granthi is the person who would read from the Sikh holy book, the Granth Sahib. Sikhs are given guidance from the book, as it is the complete written accounts of God, who narrated to the Sikh Gurus.

Do all Sikhs have there own holy book?

No, the Guru Granth Sahib (what we call the holy book) is in every Gurudwara (temple.) It has hymns and teachings from the Sikh Gurus.

What does the Granthi wave over the holy book?

When the Sikh holy book, the Guru Granth Sahib, is read, the Granthi waves a chauri over the book. A chauri is a fly whisk or fan.

Is there a holy book for the sikis?

The teachings of the Sikh religion were passed down from guru to guru, and then they were written down in a book called the Guru Granth Sahib. This book is used to guide the everyday thoughts and actions within a Sikh family and gives instructions for the rituals involved in this.

Where do Sikh's ready their holy book?

you can read it anywhere. only if your hands are washed. and your head is covered. many Sikhs memorize all their prayer's. so they don't need the holy book.