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Almighty God (Allah in Arabic) is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider and Ruler of the Universe. He has No Son, No Parents, No off-spring. He is Omnipotent, Omni-Present, All-Knowing, All-Seeing, All-Listening. HE and He alone deserves worship. All powers lie in His Hands. He alone is the Master of the Day of Judgment. He has No Partner, No Associate whatsoever. No one can understand Him completely. There is Nothing like Him. He is Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Most Forgiving.

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13y ago

Muslims think of and worship God as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no father, no companion, and no associate. This is the call of all God prophets since start of mankind including Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (peace be upon them all).

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10y ago
  • He is the one God and the only God
  • He is All-powerful
  • There is nothing that is more powerful than Allah
  • He is everlasting
  • He is the only one capable of granting a life to anyone
  • He sent his messengers to guide people
  • He has no human qualities or attributes
  • He is the creator not the created

Allah is the only God for Muslims.

Muslims believe that there is not God but Allah, and Muhammad (PBUH) is the Messenger of Allah.

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14y ago

Muslims believe in one and only one God, the sole Creator and who sustains the universe. They believe that God has no partner, no son, no father, no companion, and no resemblance. They believe only God should asked for forgiveness, help, and support. They believe that only God is the All knowing, the All Merciful, the All Compassionate, the All powerful, the All Wise. hey believe in God Angels, all God prophets, all God holy books, God destiny, the last day of Judgment where all people come to life after death and be judged by God to be either rewarded and accepted in God's Paradise or punished and pushed in the Hell fire.

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11y ago

Islam and Muslims (Islam religion followers) view Allah (God in English) as the one and only one God with no partner, no son, no companion, no associate, and no equivalence. Allah is the same God in Judaism and in Christianity. Even in Arabic versions of The Bible God is written as Allah.

Muslims believe in all God attributes. Refer to question below.


"Allah" in Arabic, "Eloha" in Hebrew. Same word. Same God. Like "Salam" and "Shalom".

The message of Muhammad (peace be upon him) brought the people back - after the heresy of Pauline Christianity that falsely declared that God had a "begotten son" - to the true, original doctrine of all the Prophets: The Absolute Oneness and Uniqueness of God.

From the Qur'an, Chapter 112: "Say that He, alone, is God; the One upon whom everything (and everyone) depends. He does not beget (offspring), nor was He begotten (born), and there is no one who is in any way like Him".

This is the true religion of God - there is no god but God. And Muhammad is the Last Messenger of God.


There is only ONE GOD in Islam and Muslims call him ALLAH. Christian Arabs call their lord "alla". Its the same One God who everybody worships, they just have different names for Him. Allah made Adam and Eve and they were created with out any parents. And then they had so many offsprings, who scattered all over the world. After the death of their parents, the children of Adam and Eve came up with many different consepts of gods....most of the credit goes to Team Satan/Shaitan.

AnswerBismillah (In the name of God)


Were ye witnesses when death appeared before Jacob? Behold, he said to his sons: "What will ye worship after me?" They said: "We shall worship Thy Allah and the Allah of thy fathers, of Abraham, Isma'il and Isaac,- the one (True) Allah. To Him we bow (in Islam)."

Answer Updated***

ALLAH is not only the Creator of Muslims, He is the creator of Non Muslims and all that has been created in the Heavens and the Earth.

Luvs2HELP says: THX A LOT!!! :)
According to the teachings of Islam Almighty God has many attributes. Some of them are:
There is no god, but ONLY ONE Almighty God. His proper noun in Arabic is Allah. He is the Sole Creator, Sustainer, Provider, Cherisher, Ruler of all the worlds he has created. He is Omnipresent, Omnipotent, All-seeing, All-Knowing. He has No Parents, No Off-Spring, No Wife, No Son, No Partner, No Associate. He is ONLY ONE of His kind, and No One else is like Him. All except Him are His creatures. He and He alone makes all decisions. No one has the authority to interfere with, influence, or change His decisions. He and He alone is worthy of worship. He and He alone can grant the prayers, supplication and requests of Humans. He and He alone can guide us to the right path. Even 1,25,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all) and all the poise men of all ages joined together have any say against His Will. Even if all the seas and oceans become ink and all the trees and bush become pens, His attributes and blessings can't be counted and written, though as much more oceans and trees are added to the previous ones. He is the Most Merciful, Most Gracious, Most Forgiving.

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14y ago

Muslims believe that there is only one deity, who created the Heavens and the Earth and all that is in between.

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Durk Druka Muhamad Gehad

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that there is only one god Allah

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Q: What is the Muslim belief of God?
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The belief that Almighty Allah (God) is the Only Supreme Authority makes a Muslim dauntless, honest, and truthful.

What are facts about Muslim Belief?

There is no god but Allah and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah

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NOT NECESSARILY. Belief in Allah is a necessary, but insufficient condition to be a Muslim. The primary statement of belief in Islam is the Shahaada and the Shahaada has two components: (1) There is no god but Allah AND (2) Muhammad is His Messenger. Failure to believe in Muhammad's prophecy means that the person in question is not actually a Muslim.

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John Lennon usually described himself as an atheist, although he was brought up as a Christian and, later in life, he had a vague belief in god or fate. He was never a Muslim.

Is it God you are serving or your religion belief and please don't say Muslim means giving your self to God?

If you have a religious belief, then you believe you are serving God. No one among the Jewish, Christian, or Muslim faiths believe that they serve anyone but God. To make the argument that they are serving the religion itself is semantics at best. Their beliefs and the actions they take because of those beliefs are how the religious serve God. The goal is to exercise the tenets of that religion in order to serve God.

Is Obama an acting muslim?

No, he is not any kind of Muslim. He is a Christian. He does have some Muslim relatives on his father's side of the family, but he has not seen them much in his life. The people who raised the president (his grandparents) were church-going Christians, and there is no credible evidence that the president has ever practiced Islam. To be a Muslim you must believe that the God is one, The God is not the father, not a son, and the god has no sons. Islam is not by inheritance, it's by belief.

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No. A Muslim can not marry a Hindu - under any circumstances - until the Hindu renounces their belief and becomes a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian (those who believe in the One God of Abraham).No

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Juicy J is known to be a Christian. He has referenced his faith and belief in God in interviews and songs.

In what way does Shahadah support a follower of Islam?

The Shahada is witness that no god except Allah, the one and only one God (with no partner, no son, no father, and no resemblance) and witness that Muhammad is his messenger and prophet.Full belief that God is the only Creator; the only All-Powerful, the only All-Merciful, the only All-forgiving, the only All-Wise, and the only All-giving; gives the Muslim the belief that he is slave to only God (Allah). Accordingly, the Muslim must be fair and just and not to fear any one except God. Full submission to God argues the Muslim to do every thing good to people and nature that satisfies God.

What is the belief of many god?

Muslims believe in only one God and this principle is called Monotheism or Tawhid (توحيد). Conversely Muslims see the belief of many gods as a Shirk (شرك) which is a violation of Islamic Law and one of the worst crimes a Muslim can commit.

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That is a basic tenet of belief in the Christian, Jewish and Muslim faiths. Other faiths, (notably Buddhism) have differing beliefs of life after death.

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because it shapes the conduct of a muslim