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Jews believe in one god. The Jewish Bible is called the Tanach which is made up of three sections: Torah (Teachings), Nevi'im (Prophets), and K'tuvim (Writings) (the Christian Old Testament was based on the Tanach but was altered to support the teachings of Christianity).

In Judaism, faith is meaningless without action with the focus being on living as good a life as possible.

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Q: What is the Judaism faith?
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What faith is Judaism?

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Abraham founded Judaism 3800 years ago.

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Abrahamic religions include Judaism, Christianity, Islam and the Baha'i faith. Christianity recognize Judaism but not Islam. Islam recognizes Judaism, Christianity but not Baha'i faith. And finally Baha'i faith recognizes Judaism, Christianity and Islam all together. And obviously he did not start anything. He simply preached the word of God, i.e. the holy revelations.