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The Muslim holy book is called the Qur'an. The holy Qur'an is the last heavenly book revealed to the last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (SAW). It testifies the previous heavenly books like the Torah, the Zaboor, The Bible and others revealed to Hazrat Moses (AS), Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Jesus Christ (AS). It also testifies all the Prophets (May peace be upon them all). It was revealed by Almighty Allah through the Arch Angel Hazrat Gabriel (AS). It teaches honesty, chastity, truthfulness, equality, justice and sacrifice.

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There isn't a specific prayer book of Islam,.. prayers are usually memorized. Islamic prayers are often written down in general prayer books for the purpose of assisting Muslims to learn them.

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Muslims do not have a direct equivalant to the Holy Bible. The closest is their Holy book the Quran

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Q: What is the Islamic prayer book called?
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It's called a siddur.

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A Jewish prayer book is called a 'siddur'.

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Yes, the book of common prayer is a prayer book.

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