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Q: What is the Hindu word for reaching absolute harmony with the supreme being?
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its a Hindu smbol that means absolute knowledge & all creation. It represents perfection. It represents an all powerful, all knowledgeable, supreme being. It also means divine energy. Its kind of line Neo in Matrix Revolutions, after he starts seeing everything in Orange glow. He starts reaching that state, that no Human is supposed to reach and it leads to his end or rather his freedom and liberation from a physical form ... to his Nirvana.

What is the essence of Hindu dharma?

Hindu dharma embodies moral duties and righteous conduct essential for individual fulfillment and societal harmony.

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Do Hindu beliefs Buddhists reject?

In a Supreme Creator.

What is the name for the supreme being in the Hindu religion?

The amighty god,Brahma.

What is the meaning of prayan?

Prayan is a Hindu name and can mean "Supreme Intelligent"

Who was vishnu?

He is the Hindu god of perseverance.That is right, and for most hindus, the Supreme God.

Did the Hindu believe in one God?

Hindus believe in One Supreme god (Brahman) and many manifestations of the one supreme god.

Who was the supreme god in in Hindu mythology?

There's none as "supreme god". God itself is considered as "supreme". The shape and form we give to offer prayers is upto each individual.

What is Lord Shiva popular for?

The Lord Shiva is a mythical deity of the Hindu. He is considered as a supreme soul or a supreme god that is called as The Destroyer or The Transformer.

How would a Hindu react if you were to suggest that they believed in lots of gods?

The Hindu would just say that all the Hindu gods are the subordinates of the supreme Hindu god Brahman and therefore, irrespective of which of the infinite Hindu god he is worshiping, he would always be worshiping some part of Brahman.

Which belief Hindu beliefs do buddhists reject?
