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Q: What is the English transliterated form of the word power in Acts 1 in the KJV Bible?
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Write out the English transliterated form of the word translated power in Acts 1 8?

I am not sure what exactly the question might be. However, since it has been here a while, I will try to guess that someone wants to know the Latin and Greek words that are rendered by the word "power" in Acts 1:8. In St. Jerome's Vulgata, the word is "virtutem," in Greek it is "dunamin". Both are in the accusative singular. "Virtutem" could be rendered by the English word "inner strength" in this context; and "dunamin" by the words power, faculty, force, skill, talent, etc. Think of all the English words that begin with DYNA, like dynamite, dynamic, dynamo...

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Read the book of "Acts" in The Bible

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It is one of the books of the Holy Bible to read.

Where in the Bible does it say You shall receive power?

At Acts 1:6-8, Jesus tells his apostles about the preaching work that they will be required to do worldwide.

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Acts is sometimes referred to as 'The Acts of the Holy Spirit.'

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