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Catholic AnswerIt's just Catholic, not Roman Catholic. Roman is an epithet first commonly used in England after the protestant revolt to describe the Catholic Church. It is never used by the official Catholic Church.

The Catholic Church has no "official" symbol, although I would suppose that a Crucifix is universally recognized as one. For instance, in military cemeteries in the United States, protestants have an empty cross on their graves, Jews have a Star of David, and Catholics have a Crucifix.

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14y ago

The Roman Catholic Church does not have an official logo or symbol. Rather there are numerous symbols that can be used to identify God, Christ, The Church, etc. However, the majority of these symbols are shared amongst all the Christian religions.

The closest thing the Roman Catholic Church has to a unique symbol that is only for the church is the Papal Insignia-crossed keys. See related links for an image of this.

Most Catholics and almost all non-Catholics would be unable to recognize or identify this symbol. It is only used in formal situations.

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11y ago

The "symbols of faith" in the Catholic religion refer to the Creeds, the most important of is the Nicene Creed which is recited every Sunday, and the Apostles Creed, originally a baptismal symbol used to begin the Rosary and other prayers.

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8y ago

It's just Catholic, by the way, Roman Catholic refers to the diocese of Rome, despite its widespread use among many Catholics. "Roman" is not used by the official Catholic Church at all, and it is not found in official documents or the Catechism.

There really is no "official" symbol of the Catholic Church, although the crucifix is commonly used to denote Catholicism.

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10y ago

The universally recognized symbol of the Catholic Church is a Crucifix, which is a cross with a figure of Our Blessed Lord's Body on it.

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13y ago

If there is one it would be a Crucifix, which is a cross with a corpus (representation of the Body of Jesus) on it.

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11y ago

The crucifix, the cross and the dove are among the most prominent.

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14y ago

The symbol of the Papacy is the image of two Crossed Keys - one gold and one silver, bound with a red cord. This represents the "keys to the Kingdom of Heaven."

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13y ago

a cross, fish, bread, and wine. there is possibly more but these were the ones that poped into my head.

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