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This book is the Revelation of Jesus Christ; the whole Bible is so; for all revelation comes through Christ, and all relates to him. Its principal subject is to discover the purposes of God concerning the affairs of the church, and of the nations as connected therewith, to the end of the world.

From Matthew Henry's Concise Commentary on the Bible --available in the Public Domain


The "Apocalypse" [Revelation] is just what it says it is: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ..." (Rev.1:1).

Jesus Christ "reveals" to "His servants" [those with the eyes to see; whose spirits are awake to understand His Words]... the end time global events that lead up to His second coming, and the completion of God's plan and the "new beginning" [Eternity] -- which occurs by the end of the book.

"...Behold, I make all things new... these Words are True and Faithful... He that overcometh shall inherit all things [the universe]; and I will be his God, and he shall be My Son." (Rev.21:5-7)

Revelation is written as a "parable"... which Jesus always spoke to the general public, so that they would NOT understand what He was saying:

"...Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand... For this people's heart is waxed gross, and their ears are dull of hearing, and their eyes they have closed; lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and should understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them." (Matt.13:13-15)

Revelation is not intended to be understood by most people [by the general public]. And it isn't generally understood. This "Satan-deceived" [Rev.12:9]world's ears are dull of hearing and its eyes are closed to the Truth of God [thy Word is Truth - John 17:17].

It's written only for "Jesus' servants" [Rev.1:1], to let them know what to expect before He comes back, that they might prepare themselves for it and be ready to rule the nations of the earth with Him.

"Blessed are they that do His Commandments, that they may have right to the Tree of Life, and may enter in through the gates of the city... Surely I come quickly. Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus..." (Rev.22:14 & 20).

Revelation is all about the violent, destructive end time global events that result in the completion of God's plan for mankind... and the return of the King.

Revelations means the "unveiling" of the events to occur during the "End Times" or the return of our Lord, Jesus Christ. While many refer to it, few have the comprehensive knowledge of what the prophecy actually concerns. This includes the whats, whens and wheres of events that lead to Christ's return. These events are signaled by "Trumps", which are calls for action, of which there are there Seven, including Seven Seals and Seven Viles. The Greatest problem most have in the understanding of Revelations is recognizing that most events, other than the viles are not physical, but rather Spiritual in nature. This war between God and Satan is a war for the souls of men. The viles are punishment for those on earth that refuse to repent and recognize God's dominion on earth. Preparatory study requirements are a working knowledge of the Old Testament, especially including the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel. Readings should include all the Minor Prophets, with special emphasis on Hosea, Joel, Amos and Zechariah. In the New Testament, special interest should be placed on chapters Mat:24, Mark 13 and Luke 21. Special Points of interest is the understanding of the creation of the first Beast (the new world order, as outlined in Daniel) the second beast (Satan's return to earth masquerading as the Christ, or what ever deity one worships). Many fail to recognize that the term Anti-Christ, when translated back to the Greek means "Instead of" or the "False" Christ. This return of Satan brings about the battle for mens souls by the means of Satan's disguising himself as Christ, and his acceptance by the unlearned. This incurrs God's wrath and brings about the subsequent punishment for those who refuse to repent, or to deny that Satan is not the Christ. This results in the Viles being poured out upon the earth, which is a physical event reaching shattering magnitudes of destruction.

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The Book of Revelation seems to include a number of letters to different churches and a compilation of older mythical or allegorical scenes, some of which have come to be regarded as prophetic.

Impressed with John's fixation on slaughter, as in the description of the whore Babylon (Rome) being "drunk with the blood of the saints and the blood of the witnesses to Jesus" (Revelation 17:6), scholars have regularly tried to date this writing to one of the traditional "persecutions of the Church." However, Burton L. Mack (Who Wrote the New Testament) says we know of no official persecution to which John might have been reacting.

There is plausible evidence of borrowing from Daniel, for example:

  • Daniel (10:5-6) describes the messenger (among other things) as clothed in linen and gold, having eyes like lamps of fire, limbs like burnished brass and a voice like a multitude.
  • Revelation (1:12-16) describes one like the Son of Man as, among other things, clothed in a long robe and a golden sash across his chest, having eyes like a flame of fire, feet like burnished bronze and a voice like the sound of many waters.

The authenticity of Revelation was questioned by some of the early Christians, but it survived, to come down to us today, because it came to be assumed that its author, John, was the disciple John. Biblical scholars now believe that he could not have been the disciple, and now referred to the author as John of Patmos. Bishop Eusebius of Caesaria, a leading church historian and contemporary of Constantine in the fourth century, wrote the Storia Ecclesiastica, in which he provided the first complete surviving list of what the Christian Bible should contain. He gave qualified support for inclusion of Revelation.

In 2002, opinion polls showed that a majority of Americans said they believe that the apocalyptic predictions in the Book of Revelation will come true.
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It's actually called "The Revelation" or "Apocalypse." The main theme of the book is the Second Coming of Jesus Christ or the Revelation of Jesus Christ.

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