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The question should be Who is the Beast? In Revelation, John indicated that one individual would personify evil in a unique way as the ultimate archetype of all the types of antichrist. Instead of referring to this individual as the Antichrist, John refers to him as the Beast.


The "Beast" is first encountered in Daniel's dream or vision of his 7th chapter. He sees FOUR beasts; the interpretation of which are the four major empires that have ruled the world down through the centuries: Babylon [the Lion], Persia [the Bear], Greece [the Leopard] and Rome [the fourth Beast that defies any description of any known animal in God's creation. It's just a radically perverse dreadful and terrible creature with iron teeth and vicious claws that destroy]. And the general overview of which the Beast may be singularly categorized simply as "MAN'S GOVERNMENTS" or "man's errant rule on the earth" [man trying to rule himself apart from his Creator's laws, wisdom, knowledge and understanding] down through history -- as opposed to the "gospel" or "good news" of GOD'S GOVERNMENT or the coming Kingdom of God.

The Bible contrasts these two government types; God's coming Government and man's existing one. That's the Bible's message... its "gospel;" GOOD NEWS.

The "Beast" in Revelation has the same traits as Daniel's four beasts: "...the Beast which I saw was like unto a LEOPARD [see Dan.7:6], and his feet were as the feet of a BEAR [see Dan.7:5], and his mouth as the mouth of a LION [see Dan.7:4]..." (Rev.13:2 KJV).

The "traits" of these ancient beasts are merely the ancient philosophical views, religious practices, rites and ceremonies... and customs and traditions that were passed on, adopted and adapted by each succeeding government system... which our generation and governments have inherited and still keep and observe to this day.

The "Beast of Revelation" is the "sum total" of all the past empires... government systems... customs and traditions that, we, the end time generations of man have inherited. Notice that "Rome," the fourth "dreadful and terrible" destructive beast isn't named in Revelation 13 -- the resurrected Roman Empire IS the Fourth and Final Beast.

The "Beast" refers to both the "Ruler" or "King" of that government system as well as the System itself, just as a king and his kingdom are synonymous with each other. A kingdom takes on the personality of its king. As Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar, regarding the king's dream about the "metallic man" composed of four different metals, which was about the same four government systems:

"...Thou art this head of gold." (Dan.2:38)

"And after thee shall arise another KINGDOM inferior to thee, and another third KINGDOM of brass, which shall bear RULE OVER ALL THE EARTH." (verse 39)

The "Beast" is the "final resurrection of the fourth government system of men" at the time of the end [the end of man's allotted time of rule on the earth, that God has given to him] -- the "dreadful and terrible" fourth Beast... the Roman Empire!

Rome was Daniel's fourth Beast ruling the earth when Christ began to preach the Kingdom of God; the Divine Government System prophesied in Daniel chapters 2 & 7 that shall smash man's governments and establish itself, permanently, on the earth.

And the Roman system of government has been the basic structure by which the world has operated, since, and by which todays governments function [or is it mal-function?]. That system is "grossly distressed"... and collapsing around us, even now... and the nations of the world have been talking about "ONE-WORLD GOVERNMENT" again. Just as men have dreamed about it since the Tower of Babel.

When the present chaos that is this world's economy and politics collapses -- THAT'S when Revelation's fourth and final BEAST will rise on the earth for man's one final bid... and failure... at one-world government.

"For that will be a time of greater horror than anything the world has ever seen or will ever see again. In fact, unless that time of calamity is shortened, the entire human race will be destroyed. But it will be shortened for the sake of God's chosen ones." (Matt.24:21-22 NLT New Living Translation)

The Beast is the prophesied One-Government world ruling system that's waiting in the wings to rise from the ashes of the present failing and collapsing economic and political system in the world.


Adam and Eve gave the earth and their rule over it [that God gave to them] to the "Dragon" when they obeyed and worshiped him in the beginning. And the world's governments have been his ever since, to do with as he pleases.

"...I will give you the glory of these kingdoms and authority over them - BECAUSE THEY ARE MINE to give to anyone I please." (Luke 4:6 NLT)

"...And the Dragon gave him [the Beast] his own power and throne and great authority... All the world marveled at this miracle and followed the Beast in awe. They worshiped the Dragon for giving the Beast such power, and they worshiped the Beast..." (Rev.13:2-4 NLT).

The Beast is a man... and the Beast is his kingdom or government that's about to emerge on the world scene to usher in what's known as Great Tribulation. The unprecedented globally distressful and deadly time just before Jesus returns to smash it and establish the Kingdom of God on earth.

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