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there are five pillars in Islam 1.shahadah- to bear witness that there is only one god and that Muhamed(s.a.w.)was his last messenger 2.Salaat-the five obligatory daily prayers 3.zakat-charity to the poor/needy 4.sawm-fasting in the month of Ramadan 5.Hajj-pilgrimage to Mecca at a certain time of year with other Muslims

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16y ago
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13y ago

Testimony of faith (shahadah), prayer (salah), charity (zakat), fasting (sawm), and pilgrimage (hajj).

If a Muslim doesn't follow the 5 pillars they aren't really considered Muslims.



5 pillars of İslam are the fundamentals of Islam

1. Saying the Kalima-i shahâdat

It means to say "Ashhadu an lâ ilâha ill-Allah WA ash-hadu Anna Muhammadan 'abduhû WA rasûluh."

(I bear witness [that is, I know and confirm by word of mouth as if I saw] that there is no ilâh save Allah and again I bear witness that Muhammad ('alaihis-salâm) is His human slave and Messenger.) [Having belief in the Messenger of Allah means accepting, believing, and liking all of what he communicated.]

2. Performing namâzes [ritual prayers]

It is fard [obligatory] for every Muslim who is sane and has reached the age of puberty to perform the five daily namâzes. Namâz is the pillar of religion and not to perform it is one of the grave sins. If people do not perform namâzes, it is very difficult for them to keep their credal state at their last breath. It is stated in a hadîth-i sharîf:

(A person who performs namâz will be saved in the Hereafter, but a person who does not perform it will be in a miserable state.) [Tabarânî]

3. Giving the zakât of one's property

For a person who has money or commercial property at a certain amount termed nisâb-that is, after one has subtracted one's debts from the total of what one has of gold or commercial property, if the remainder, including one's dues that are to be received, is the amount of or equal to 96 g-it is fard to give one-fortieth of it as zakât. It is also fard to give one-tenth of the crop harvested from one's land to the poor. This one-tenth of zakât is termed 'ushr.

(Allahu ta'âlâ curses a person who does not give the zakât of his property.) [Nasâî]

4. Fasting

It is fard to fast every day of the month of Ramadân. It is a grave sin to omit it.

5. Performing the hajj [major pilgrimage]

For an able person who has money enough to go to and come back from the city of Mecca besides the property sufficient for the subsistence of one's family one leaves behind until one comes back, it is fard to perform tawâf around the Ka'ba and to perform waqfa on the plain of 'Arafât.

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14y ago

The Five Pillars of Islam are :

  1. Shahada [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the one and only one God and Muhammad is His messenger],
  2. Salah (praying),
  3. Zakah (specific compulsory charity),
  4. Saum (fasting during Ramadan) and
  5. the Hajj (pilgrimage) for those who can afford it.

refer to the related question listed below for more information.

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10y ago

Five Pillars of Islam:

1. Shahadat: [testimony that there is no god except Allah (God) the One and Only One, having No Partner whatsoever. And Muhammad is His servant and Messenger],

2. Salah: (praying five times a day)

3. Zakah: (specific compulsory charity-2,5% of annual savings)

4. Saum: (fasting during Ramadan)

5. Hajj: (pilgrimage) for each Muslim once in lifetime those who can afford it.

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12y ago

Islam is a very festival in to the problemme-tic solution at Islam to contain the managed in Islam

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14y ago

Well like Islam, its a abrahamic religion and shares the same principles as Christianity.

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Islam has 5 pilars: 1. Shahadah (Declaring god is one and Muhammad is his Messenger) 2. Salaah (Prayer 5 times a day) 3. Zakah (Charity) 4. Saum (Fasting in the month of Ramadan) 5. Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah at least once in your life) If u do all these things u r a muslim but u also have to believe: 1. Believe in God 2. His Angels 3. His Books 4. His Prophets and Messengers 5. The Last Day 6. Divine Pre-destination 7. Life after Death. If u wud like 2 know more just ask

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im guessing you mean symbol of Islam. the symbol of Islam is the crescent moon and 5 pointed star.

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What is the name given to cover all 5 pillars of Islam?

i don't think there is such a name ... they're just called the 5 pillars of Islam or just the pillars of Islam ... and Allah knows best

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