

Best Answer
  1. The now illegal act or practice of a Hindu widow's cremating herself on her husband's funeral pyre in order to fulfill her true role as wife.

in South Asia, the now illegal practice of a Hindu widow throwing herself on her husband's funeral pyre

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Q: What is suttee or sati and who practiced it?
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What is the practice of suttee?

Suttee, or 'sati' was an old funeral practice in which a wife would immolate herself in her husband's funeral pyre. This was practiced in parts of India.

Where was sati practiced?

It was practised in Zimbabwe and Uganda.

What is suttee and who practiced it?

Suttee was an old funeral custom in India. When a man died, his widow was expected to join his body on the funeral pyre (fire) and be burnt with him.

When was the practice of Suttee abolished?

The practice of Suttee, where widows were expected to immolate themselves on their husband's funeral pyre, was abolished in India by the British in 1829. The ban was enforced through legislation known as the Bengal Sati Regulation.

Is rig veda shows Sati was practiced by aryans?

no iam not know

What happens in the ritral of suttee?

In the practice of suttee, a widow would immolate herself on her deceased husband's funeral pyre. This ritual was believed to showcase the wife's loyalty and devotion to her husband. Suttee was outlawed in India in 1829 due to its brutality and violation of human rights.

What is the tradition of a widow killing herself by throwing her body on her husbands buring funeral pyre?

It is called Suttee sometimes spelled Sati, and is as one might guess, an illegal practice.

Which religion ended the practice of suttee?

The practice of suttee, where a widow is burnt alive on her husband's funeral pyre, was ended by British colonial authorities in India during the 19th century. This practice was not sanctioned by any specific religion, but was historically associated with Hindu customs in certain regions.

What is feminism and critical theory of Gayatri spivak?

She discusses the banning of the sati (the widow's sacrifice [killing] of herself on her husband's funeral tombstone). "the white man saves the brown woman from the brown man." The white man/European calls sati barbaric and oppressive. The brown man objects that sati isn't that common and cries that similar atrocities were performed in Europe (like the burning of witches and heretics); the brown man continues to explain that sati is a surefire way for a woman to achieve 'moksha' (self-liberation from the cycle of rebirth). Spivak points out that in the few places where sati was practiced, such as Bengal, women had the right to inherit which means there may have been some corrupting fiscal influences involved in the performance of sati (death by means of getting money). Still, all we hear about sati are re-presentations of what sati meant to women but it's never spoken by the sati-performing brown women themselves- thus the subaltern cannot speak.

Is their are placements in sati vidisha?

Sati is capable to provide good jobs.tcs has tied up with sati

What actors and actresses appeared in Sati - 2013?

The cast of Sati - 2013 includes: Debleena Sen as Sati

What religion is the goddess Sati from?

Sati was a Hindu goddess from Iran. Sati's religion was Buddhism. She was the goddess of strong marital affairs. Sati was a traditional Indian woman with divine intelligence.