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The Sunnat is applied to the actions of the Holy Prophet (SAW) while Hadith is applied to the sayings of the holy Prophet (SAW)

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Q: What is sunnat in Islam?
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Does non Muslim man need to do sunnat to get converted to Islam?

Yes, men and women must do sunna to convert to islam.

What is the main sect of Islam?

Ahl-i-Sunnat wal Jama'at- also known as Sunni Muslims

Kya Islam main dharri na rakhna kabeera guna hai?

gunha nahi hai agar rakhi jae to sunnat hai

Are ahle sunnat Muslims?

Yes , 80 persent muslims are ahle sunnat .

Are Muslim men in turkey allowed to have a beard?

In all the Muslim states including Turkey, Muslim men are allowed to keep beards, keeping beard in Islam is a Sunnat.

Which sect of the Muslims has the largest number of followers?

Sunni Islam is roughly 80-85% of the Muslim World.

What is the member of the largest branch of Islam?

SunnahAhl-i-Sunnat wal jama'at. They from about 85% of the total number of Muslims.The largest branch of Islam is Sunnis that reach more than 85% of all Muslim population.

Is Tarawih farz in Islam?

The tarawih namaz is sunnat, it is not fard. Also, performing it as 20 rak'ats is sunnat. If one performs it less than this, one will earn less thawab. If one performs it as 20 rak'ats, one will earn more thawab. If one does not perform it at all, one will miss out on great thawab because it was stated in a hadith-i sharif:(Whoever offers the tarawih namaz in Ramadan with faith and with the hope of earning rewards will have his sins forgiven.)[Nasai]It is sunnat-i kifaya to perform it in congregation. That is, if it is performed in congregation in a quarter, when others perform it in their homes, the sunnat is considered to have been fulfilled. (Ni'mat-i Islam)Hadith-i sharifs state that men's performing namaz in congregation in a mosque is 27 times more rewarding than their performing it in their homes. Again hadith-i sharifs state that women's performing namaz in their homes is more rewarding than their performing it in a mosque.

What branch of Islam has been dominant?

Ahl-i-Sunnat wal Jamaiat commonly known as Sunni has been the most populous branch of Islam worldwide at every point in history after 633 C.E. (when Mohammed died and Islam fractured into several branches). However, within any specific empire, there may have been a different Islamic branch that was dominant.

If a ahle sunnat girl converts herself to ahle tashee after marriage?

in this case there is differences among the representative man of religion or Mujtahedun. but according to the most opinion of them, there is no obstacle in marring betwenn a shiiah women and sunni men.

How many rakats in fajr prayer?

4 sunnat, 2 farzz, 4 sunnat again 2 sunnat and last 2 nafal

Can you where makeup in Islam?

Yes one can wear makeup in Islam as long as it is not to gain attention of other (na mehram) men. One can wear makeup to attract ones husband. Surma is specially worn by women as it is also good for the eyes. Also hina (mehndi) is put on hair, nails,hands and feet as it was considered as sunnat and it also has a cooling effect.