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Sin against reason is a tent of believers in philosophia doctrine and has nothing to do with Sin as defined in Christian doctrine (sin against our Fathers law as given to Moses and proclaimed by his prophets as well as Christ and his apostles). Sin against reason is based in the use of dialectics by believers in philosophia doctrine, usually Stoic Philosophia doctrine. Believers base their belief of truth to be rooted in the logic and reason of dialectics.

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Q: What is sin against reason?
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St. Augustine defined sin as "a word, deed, or desire in opposition to the eternal law." Thus sin, by definition is against Someone - God.

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No church can forgive sin. No vicar, priest or whoever can forgive sin unless that sin was committed against that person. When one sins against God then only He can forgive.

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swearing, coveting your neighbors wife etc.

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No, not at all. Sin, by definition is the willingness of a person to do something against the will of God.

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It is only a sin if it is against your religion. Tatoos are a great way to express oneself.

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The sin of commiting adultery is very bad against god , that includes divorce.

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no the only unpardonable sin is blasphemy against the holy spirit