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Q: What is right ecstasy in the eightfold path?
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Which religion involves the Eightfold Path?


What religion follows the eightfold path?

The eightfold path is path of Buddhism.

What is the meaning eightfold path in Buddhism?

The eightfold path consists of a group of "ways of life." It includes: Right Concentration Right Understanding Right Action Right Speech Right Livelihood Right Effort Right Awareness Right Intention

What was Buddha's path?

The Buddha's path is called the Noble Eightfold Path for the sake of reaching enlightenment which is the complete ending of all suffering. The Noble Eightfold Path has the following components :- Right Understanding, Right Thought,Right Speech,Right Action,Right Livelihood, Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.

What part of the eightfold path is the five precepts in?

The Five Noble Precepts are not explicitly contained in their entirety in the Noble Eightfold Path. However: The First Precept, Not Killing, the Second Precept, Not Stealing, and the Third Precept, Not Stealing, are part of the fourth point of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Action.The Fourth Precept, Not Lying, is part of the third point of the Noble Eightfold Path, Right Speech.The Fifth Precept, not drinking alcohol, is not found in the Noble Eightfold Path.

How is the Eightfold path linked to Samsara?

The eightfold path is linked to samsara because if you do everything in the eightfold path you will get really good karma, which will help you in your next life

What is the right action eightfold path?

Right or perfect action is one of the eight sections of the noble eightfold path. It means that all your actions should be thoughtful and not harm other beings and you should try to help other beings.

How do other religions view the noble eightfold path?

Other religions may have different perspectives on the Noble Eightfold Path. For example, in Christianity, the principles of the Noble Eightfold Path may be seen as compatible with teachings on morality and ethics. In Islam, some aspects of the Noble Eightfold Path, such as right speech and right action, may resonate with teachings on righteous conduct. Ultimately, the interpretation and relevance of the Noble Eightfold Path will vary depending on the specific beliefs and practices of each religion.

Buddhism's eightfold path includes this call for nonviolence?

Yes. The second factor of the eightfold path is right intention and it in turn is divided into renunication, good will, and harmlessness. Harmlessness implies nonviolence and compassion.

Which religion or philosophy is based on the concept of achieving Nirvana by following the Noble Eightfold Path?

Buddhism. The Buddha laid out the Eightfold Path as what he described as "the Middle Way" to reach enlightenment. This method is less severe than the path that The Buddha followed and avoids the extremes that he tried and failed at to reach enlightenment. The eightfold path consists of: 1. Right View 2. Right Intention (thought) 3. Right Speech 4. Right Action 5. Right Livelihood 6. Right Effort 7. Right Mindfulness 8. Right Concentration.

How do you use eightfold path in a sentence?

the eightfold path is a devolpe of deep uderstanding of the four noble truths

What tells buddhists that they should follow the Eightfold Path?

Suffering, because the eightfold path is a way to end suffering.