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Judging yourself correctly. Recognizing that you you are a sinner and excepting the fact that Christ did all that needed to be done to save you from your own sin.

you need to of had your First Holy Communion, and to of passed the classes

AnswerIt depends on your sect of Christianity. Being baptized is the most important trait.


Catholic AnswerFirst Holy Communion is given to a child when they have reached the age of reason and after they have made their first Confession. To receive It worthily, one must recognize that It is the Body of Christ, and not ordinary bread, and be in a state of grace (you must have been to confession, and been fasting for one hour).

from Modern Catholic Dictionary by John A. Hardon, S.J. Doubleday & Co., Inc. Garden City, NY 1980

Holy Communion. The Eucharist is the sacrament that preserves the soul's union with God and fosters that union by making a person more holy especially in the practice of the supernatural virtue of charity. As a sacrament of the living, to obatin the graces intended, a person must be in a state of God's friendship when receiving, otherwise the reception becomes a sacrilege (I Corinthians 11:27-29).


First Communion. The precept of the Church that requires children to receive Holy Communion, along with the sacrament of penance, on reaching the age of reason. First issued by the Fourth Lateran Council (1215), the practice was all but discontinued for centuries, due to the inroads of Jansenism. Pope St. Pius X restored the practice and restated the precept, while he also explained how necessarily related are the two sacraments of penance and the Eucharist. "The age of discretion," he said, "both for confession and for Holy Communion is the time when a child begins to reason." This means that "a full and perfect knowledge of Christian doctrine is not necessary either for first confession or first Communion." Moreover, "the obligation of the precept of confession and Communion which binds the child particularly affects those who have charge of him, namely, parents, confessor, teachers, and the pastor" (Quam Singulari, August 8, 1910)


Believe in God and had baptism

Believe that Jesus died for your sins. Attain 2 years of knowledge prior to confirmation. I'm Lutheran, so one year of classes about the reformation and different meanings in our prayers and the meanings to the commandments. This continues into the second year, but you are also doing special projects for the church. Protestants are not allowed to take communion until these classes are complete which is usually the 8th grade. I don't know what Catholics do, just know it's much earlier they take their first communion and are very young when they start attending catechism.


You must be a Catholic with no unconfessed serious sins. You should fast from food at least one hour before receiving.

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Q: What is required to receive Holy Communion worthily?
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What are three conditions for receiving holy communion worthily?

You must fast an hour before you receive communion and you must be in the state of grace! GOD BLESS. FRIENDSOFTONY.ORG

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Reconciliation and Eucharist should both be received frequently, but Holy Communion, in the Eucharist, should only be received worthily (as in, you've been to Confession and prepared to receive Our Blessed Savior). To just receive Holy Communion, if you are not in a state of grace and not prepared is worse than useless, it is down right harmful and St. Paul warns us of this.

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Can a Catholic child from a split marriage receive Holy Communion if she is not in the habit of going to Church?

Whether or not you may receive Holy Communion depends on whether you are in a state of grace and properly disposed to receive Holy Communion (and a Catholic). Thus, if you are a Catholic child, and have been to confession recently and are not in a state of sin, and have already made your first Holy Communion, then you may receive Holy Communion. What gives me pause is your "not in the habit of going to Church". Missing a Sunday Mass or a Mass on any Holy Day of your own free will would put you in a state of mortal sin, and you would be unable to receive Holy Communion until you had been in to confession. Your best bet would be to give your local priest a call, make an appointment, and go down and have a talk with him, and make a good confession while you are there. The priest will be able to guide you as to how and when you make receive Holy Communion, and the absolution from the confession will put you in a state of grace to be able to receive Holy Communion.

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Roman Catholic AnswerIf you accidentally receive Holy Communion before your First Holy Communion, then you better accidentally talk to a priest ASAP and accidentally receive First Confession.

Why do you look forward to receiving your first Holy Communion?

A:There could be reasons of piety for looking forward to receiving your first communion. In many communities it is seen as part of growing up and being seen as more responsible. It is exciting to do something for the first time, and tension has built up as you prepare for this as a special occasion..AnswerYou should look forward to your first Holy Communion, because this is the first time that you are going to receive the actual Body and Blood of Jesus Christ our Lord. There is nothing, absolutely nothing, that comes even close to the graces and strength that you will receive in Holy Communion as long as you are receiving it worthily.

How do you receive holy communiom?

There are different ways you can receive holy communion. When you walk up to the Priest or the person giving out communion, you place or hands out one over the other. The person giving out communion will say the body of christ, you will then say amen. As you walk back to your seat you can then choose to cross or to not. Another way to receive holy communion is to kneel on the floor in front of the person giving out communion, open your mouth and it will be placed on your tongue. Either one is correct depending on your personal beliefs. You must have taken classes and have received your first communion, to receive holy communion.

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Catholics do not TAKE Holy Communion, they may only RECEIVE it from a priest or a licensed Eucharistic Minister.

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No, you receive Anointing anytime you are sick enough to be in danger of death, regardless of whether you have received your First Holy Communion or not.