ANI Answer
In America, you have to be born here to aquire citizenship, however you can gain citizenship through naturalization, which requires that you be a permenent resident of the country and abide by all the nations laws. This abiding by laws means that if you get arrested it makes it exceedingly difficult to become a citizen, if not impossible.
There is another law that states if an illegal immigrant is below the age of 18 that person receives immediate citizenship. I wonder if an Arabic child, born into a terrorist family could immigrate to America, use the system to his advantage and then plot an attack? A little scary huh?
the citizenship 4523
no, but legal residency is required
Nine years.
Five years in most cases.
Yes, serving on a jury is a responsibility of Australian citizenship. In addition, this question appears on the Australian citizenship test.
Five years of citizenship are required at a minimum. This allows one to be a candidate or eligible to vote.
Section 5 of the Citizenship Act sets out that the minister responsible (currently the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) can grant citizenship in his authority as a minister of the Crown. No advice to the Governor General is required, as citizenship in Canada is not issued by the Governor General-in-Council.
Yes apart from the benefit of right to vote, freedom to travel abroad etc for work in the judiciary also US citizenship is mandatory.
Yes, in the United States, proof of citizenship is not required to vote in federal elections. However, some states may require proof of citizenship to register to vote or to vote in state and local elections.
Not required because only after you hand over your green card at the time of oath taking for US citizenship you are given the citizenship certificate.
A passport is generally required in order to identify and show proof of citizenship of the holder when travelling. It is required for security purposes so that the authorities will know who is entering and why he or she is entering their country.
Citizenship means that you are legally a member of a society or union and are therefore protected by the laws in that region as well as required to abide by the laws that have been set forth in that area.